Taken P2

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Oscar fell and had almost been knocked out cold. He moaned in pain.

"Ah a fighter" he mumbled

"Let me down and I'll try again..."

Oscar got up and continued to punch the hell out of Gibbs,

"Nah I'll leave you to die"

"Fine, but why the last body?"

"Ah that kill was for sport, I just needed a release. Maybe I should kill you.."

"You're a dead man too Oscar"

Before getting another hit to the stomach.


"We're ready to go in.."


They were silent his food monster had tears streaming down her face but she was ready to run in if she needed.

Her work brothers stood by her side in the silence primed to pounce at a moment's notice.

What felt like hours was minutes but the silence was deafening.

They then heard the bangs and orders of the bomb squad clearing the warehouse corridors.

Inside Oscar was still enjoying the fact he was still alive, but then he heard the noises. He grabbed Gibbs's gun and took a shot.

Outside they heard the gun shot. Each of his family took a sharp intake of breath.

Then more silence.

She closed her eyes, praying for anything.

"Please not Growler" she muttered under her breath.

Then a voice broke the silence.

"Bishop anyone"

"Err Gibbs?"

"Oscars dead err only got five minutes"

"Bomb squad are in Gibbs they won't be long just hold on."

His head pounded the blood was still pouring from his nose and his side hurt like hell

"Ah hell"


Err just get an ambulance ready.

"Tell me"

"Knife to my side shit it hurts"

"Ah I don't think I can hold on.." he cried out

"Agents close your radios off not you Bishop."

"Yes Director"

She looked at Vance

"You need to keep him calm so that they can free him okay."

"On it."

She walked a little away from the others and paced as she spoke to him.

"Hey growler it's just me and you now."

"Ah my little food monster"

"Need to keep you calm"

"God I love you" he growled through the pain.

"I love you too, so when we go away where shall we go my love."

Trying not to show her emotion but he could hear it in his voice.

"Where we can get good food, sunshine and I can just hold you just like when we were on our road trip."

He breathed through the pain

"You remember Oklahoma"

"Hell yeah orders are orders I was told to look after you by your mum hey we need to tell your.. ahh" as he screamed in pain

"They already know and are really happy for us"

"Ha okay, that's good. Well my love I don't think I'm going to be there for you. Shit I am sorry for the time we wasted."


"Okay all clear Agent Gibbs" was what she heard next as she started to run towards the warehouse,

"MEDIC" the bomb disposal officer shouted

"I love you my food monster" was the last thing she heard which was barely a whisper.

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 21, more to come with Growler and his Food Monster, thanks for reading

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