Argument P3

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He breathed a sigh of relief. Resting his head on the door window. Idiot muttering to himself. Almost bashing the car with his hand.

He got to hers and made himself busy with a shower and then getting ready for dinner.

He tried to calm himself but nothing was working until he saw the photo of them together on their picnic.

After prepping the food with a couple of calls to Ducky, he was sat trying to read a book.

He looked up as she came in and sat down in the chair.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour"

"Great thanks"

"How's the hand?"

"Noticing he had an ice pack on it."

"Sore but so is my ego.."

She smirked "Have to kiss it better..."

With that he gave her a knowing smile put his book and glasses down.

He then took a couple of strides and picked her up

"Growler" she screamed

"Yes you need to kiss it better"

"No your hand..."

"Not what I heard..." his voice full of passion

He took them in to the bedroom and undressed them both.

As they went in to the bathroom she noticed some scented candles

"Need to make it up to you."

"You are such a romantic" as they went in to the nice hot shower.

"Don't tell anyone" he growled with a smile.

He made her giggle some more when he cleaned behind her ears, "gotta make sure there are no potatoes."

He then heard a timer in the kitchen go

"Be back in a min" he whispered and went in to do the next part of the recipe

When he returned to his little food monster
"Got cold" as she began to dry herself off

"Can't have that" as he took charge of the towel

"Go lie on the bed gonna give you a back massage" he whispered.

He got dried and dressed in to comfy t shirt and sweats

Before making sure his hands were warm before giving her a back massage.


"Yes food monster"

"Just hold me." She got in to her sweats and one of his t-shirt

He cuddled her on to his lap kissing her.

She was nearly asleep as he smoothed hair but then her stomach growled just as the timer went again

He laughed "that's my little food monster"


"Shush I need to make it up to you"

She sighed I hope we talk she thought to herself.

"Come on we'll talk in a bit I promise"

He held her hand and walked them in to the kitchen.

He served her hunter's chicken and vegetable rice.

"Wow this looks yummy"

"Well eat yer veg and you may get dessert"

She playfully narrowed her eyes at him

"I love you Growler"

"I love you too my little food monster" kissing her back before they tucked in.

He took that in she said she loved him for the first time. He smiled and took her hand.

"I'm sorry about the other night and making you jump in the elevator" as he moved closer to her at the table

"I didn't mean to push you away."

"You're not, is it just the case?"

"Ah yeah and that I'm being me..."

"It does feel like my probie eval all over again. And for the record you made everyone jump in the elevator.."

He nodded

She knew this was hard for him.

"Growler I just want to get to know you as my boyfriend, I need you to just well love me."

"I just can't believe you want to be with me."

"Well then there is only one thing left."

"What's that?"

"You just need to trust me" holding his bruised hand kissing it softly.

She took a moment before looking deep in to his blue eyes
"You just need to believe it too."

He sighed, "I do trust you and your too good to me plus I pushed you too far the other week" with a knowing smile

"Well if you're going to cook like this then"

He smiled "had help from Ducky told me all the timings"

She laughed, "well you my growler did good."

"Haven't finished yet".

"Ooh dessert"

He got up



"I have a much better idea..."

"You do?"

She went over to him and held his hands.

"Make love to me my growler." He looked in to her eyes as if to ask if she was sure.

She kissed him as if replying to the question.

"Growler trust me I know we've waited but there was a reason so trust me.."

Deep down He didn't need to be asked twice but he had to be sure but he did trust her and in that heartbeat he would take the hit to his heart kissing her pushing her back against the kitchen wall. "I love you my little food monster so much it hurts" he whispered not wanting to break the connection He then picked her up and carried her to the bedroom where they made love for the first time.

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 14, more to come with Growler and his Food Monster, thanks for reading

His little food monsterWhere stories live. Discover now