Growler's Birthday

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He had been recovering from his surgery to his side for a month and they had now fully settled in together.

Settling in to the house had been no easy task but they had made the basement in to a mix of his woodwork and her art.

It was the last weekend he had off which also happened to be his birthday on the Sunday, when she was painting and he was just watching her when a little chat got serious.

"Hey Growler can I ask you something"

"Uh huh"

She smiled at his piercing blue eyes looking at her.

"Enjoying the view aren't you"



"Wish you were painting naked..."


"Ah you're beautiful maybe you're my birthday present..."

"Err growler"



"I am..."

"You ever thought of wanting more kids"

Silence but not uncomfortable

"Maybe I could draw you."

"Oh god help me" she said smiling secretly loving his rascally side...

then she almost said forget I asked

"Umm to be honest I not thought about it."

"Do you want kids?,"

"When the time is right"

"Ah there is never the right time"

"True but Growler, it's just when you and I were talking when that idiot had you tied to the bomb I just felt that when you came out alive I would want to saviour every thing about us and..."

"Having kids is part of that."

"Yes but only if you want to too."

"Ah my little food monster I love you" kissing her passionately.

"So how about I see you naked..." she laughed and they enjoyed a wonderful evening together.

The next morning they were led in bed after he had brought up their morning coffee.

She hadn't said anything more about kids, she knew it wasn't an easy conversation to have with him plus she was happy either way.

"Morning my little food monster" kissing her with the taste of coffee on his lips

"Hmm coffee.."

"Yes yours is there"

"What's your plan for the day?"

"Attic clear out and of course be with you" kissing her deeply.

"Growler need my coffee"

Laughing and after kissing her once more. He then let her reach over for her coffee as he sat up on his side sipping his.

"Ooh what's this?"

"Look at it.."

She turned over

"Is this Kelly?"


"Wow she was beautiful"

"Yeah mischievous too"

"Like her dad.."

"Ha maybe but it's my answer to you."

"Wait what?" As she sat up properly

His little food monsterWhere stories live. Discover now