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Finally he was going to propose, even though it had nearly killed him keeping it all a secret.

He was up early for work a few days before and left her asleep so he could be in early to meet with the Director.


"Here it is Gibbs"

"Wow Leon your man does quite the job"

"Yes he does"

"Here" handing him an envelope of money.

"Feels heavier"

"Ah just something extra for the hassle"

"When you going.."

"Tomorrow or the day after when we get to the cabin got it all planned assuming I don't mess it up before."

"Gibbs you won't"

He laughed out loud

"I dunno Leon I can't concentrate on anything else lately been reading the same pages of a book this past week"

"She noticed" smirking remembering that feeling when he proposed to Jackie.

"Yeah of course so blamed it on the case or something but hell Leon"

"Just breathe Gibbs"

He nodded and went and hid the ring in his desk for now.

When she arrived that morning he took her in to the elevator for a proper good morning kiss

"Hey you"

"Sorry just missed yer"

"You were early"

"Director needed me."

"All good?"

"Yes my darling food monster " kissing her again.

They were soon at work and busy. The days went past and then finally it was nearing the time and he couldn't wait.

Bishop was at home due to a doctor's appointment and he was busy trying to focus on the paperwork.

"Where's Agent Bishop" asked Vance


"Everything okay?"

"Just a check-up."

"Okay keep me informed"

"Will do when I know Leon."

"How did yesterday mornings exercise go?"

"Well apart from Bishop not finishing, yeah excellent even Dinozzo managed to out tech McGee."

"Did you just say Bishop didn't finish?"

"Err yeah Ducky said something about exhaustion."

"Ah fine well we do it all again soon."

"Something you wanna tell me Leon?"

"No not yet Gibbs."

Gibbs and the team were getting all the reports done when Bishop was soon calling him.

He went in to the cone of silence

"Hey my little food monster you okay?"

"Yeah Growler just got home gonna need that time off boss"

"Sure how long?"

"I've been told to stay at home and rest for the rest of the week."

"Well we do have the cabin"

His little food monsterWhere stories live. Discover now