Figuring it Out

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He awoke early as he knee throbbed and whilst she had brought him calmness. He hadn't had the perfect night sleep he had hoped for and hobbled downstairs to get more ice for his knee. And coffee to wake him up some more. He loved his little food monster but right now he was definitely living up to his name growler. But instead of deploying the second B in Gibbs he had just gotten up and had left her sound asleep.

"Morning Bishop" this was his way of telling her that he was grouchy.

"Morning Gibbs need anything for the pain?"

"No thanks got this" sipping his second coffee.

She gave him a quick hug.

He could tell she was still thinking about it all.

"Hey All is ask is for you to Just be you my little food monster just be you regardless of what happens to us"

"Thanks be safe my growler"

"Be safe my little food monster."

He then kissed her before they headed out for work.

McGee and Dinozzo were already in the office.

"You see we should do this more often be in early more prepared Tim" taking in the quiet before any potential storm. Sitting on his desk and taking a sip of his coffee.

"Why you trying to be agent of the year?"

"No I am just trying to keep our boss calm he's been growling lately"
"I haven't seen any change"
He growled with a slight smirk to Bishop.

"Morning Boss"

"Something wrong Dinozzo?"

"No just being prepared."

"Good body downtown in some ditch" he grabbed his gear he ached and tried to hide his pain.

He shouldn't have gone out. But he hobbled with them

She tried not to worry. But he was tired and growled so she kept a close eye but kept a safe distance. Soon he was barking out orders.
They drove out to a college which in the back fields was a car park and

"What we got?" to which there was no answer

"What's the name McGee?" he turned and shouted


"Yeah boss sorry was checking behind this hedge, just found this.." Holding up a gun

"Huh okay Palmer Tod" in a slightly softer tone


"Sorry Agent Gibbs" adjusting his glasses as he had jumped when Gibbs had shouted. "I think this going down as a weird one"

"What Why?" Gibbs joined him down at the body

"Body is fake it's a dummy"

"Good fake"

"Yes very good reminds me.." he got a stare

"I'll get it to Abby" Gibbs nodded

As the body was down a ditch he had to walk back up which didn't go according to plan. His knee gave way and soon went head over heels landing on a tree root. Cursing as he got up.

"Boss you need a hand?" Dinozzo asked

"No just coffee and get the camera footage see what idiot is wasting our time now." Cursing and dusting himself off.

"On it."


"Yeah here"

"You got all the photos?"

His little food monsterWhere stories live. Discover now