Oklahoma Part 2

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Most of their talking was about work, or how Bishop could improve herself in comparison to Ziva.
"Don't compare just be"
"Seriously you know I wouldn't have hired you if I didn't think you could do it."
"That's true, now where is it we are staying?"
"It's not far"
"Tell me" Uh oh he thought his little food monster is getting hangry but he kept his response soft "No it's a surprise"


"Why do you need to know"

"I'm just curious"

Now there was an awkward silence, so she went to put on the radio but he stopped her.

"Ah hell Bishop just talk to me."

"No its okay Gibbs I know you like the silence."

He took a deep breath, "Do you trust me? Pull over at the next layby"
Which was a few minutes later.
She stopped the car "Yes with my life Jethro you know that"

"Jethro huh"

"I haven't chosen a suitable name yet, and don't change the subject"

He placed his hand near hers

"May I?" his voice filled with care.

She nodded holding his hand

"Ah I just wanted to give you my little food monster a treat"

She nodded "how far is it?"

"Just another three miles"

"Okay I'm sorry"

"No it's okay don't be sorry"

"Sign of weakness I know"

"Yes but not in this case"

She sighed. "Go on"

"Look you know I am not good with relationships. But one thing I do know is that your husband broke your trust that's bound to hurt and it's hard to know what is or isn't okay."

She smiled with a few tears forming in her eyes, he wiped one away as it escaped down her face. Returning his hand to hers.

"Plus your mum told me to look after you"

She stared at him.

"Orders are orders" he said with a straight face.

She laughed out loud

"No more tears, come on let's go" as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze

"On it boss"
"Jethro" he growled out.

She laughed as she pulled out of the lay-by

A few moments later they arrived at the hotel

"Wow this is nice"

He nodded leaning back on the car door looking pretty smug with himself

"Come on let's go find room and food"
They waited patiently at the desk, the receptionist was busy with another client. "We could say we are agents" Bishop whispered

"Be good my little food monster" he put his arm around Bishop

"Of course"

About 5 minutes later they were served.
"Name please?"
"Just the one room sir?"
"Yes should be the double I booked"
"Sure..." she gave them a look, the receptionist couldn't decide if they were together or Father and daughter.

That was until Bishop had enough and showed her badge

"Federal agents we are on a budget don't want to unwisely spend your tax dollars"
Gibbs tried not to smile too much

His little food monsterWhere stories live. Discover now