Focusing on a killer

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They went in that morning with a renewed feeling and for growler and his food monster they had a closeness that was theirs for now.

His food monster had decided not to wear the bracelet in work until they were ready to share their relationship and knowing how nosey her work brothers could be she wouldn't be able to hide it from them and of course that's not forgetting they were highly trained investigators.

They had the elevator to themselves and he took advantage of being close to her.

"I can't help it" he whispered

"I know snuggling in to him." He had stopped the elevator

"Wish we could have had more time off."

"Uh huh"

She rubbed the back of his neck as he led his head on her shoulder. "Right come on Growler quicker we get on with today the quicker we can get home."

"Yes boss" he mumbled which made her giggle.

Finally he caved let go of her hand too and they were in to work mode.

McGee and Dinozzo walked in

"Morning boys" said Bishop with a smile


"Good day off?"

"Yeah you?"

"Yes feel refreshed"

"Gear up" growled Gibbs who appeared from the bathroom

"Body in good old Rock Creek Park"

They drove out to the edge of the park

"This place doesn't look well used" Tony advised as he breathed in a weird smell.
"Something up Dinozzo?"
"Not sure yet boss"

"No cameras are broke" McGee noticed the wires were cut

"Uh huh"

"Body Dinozzo"

"Shall I photo the body Gibbs?"

"Err Gibbs" Dinozzo shouted rather sounding disturbed

"No Photos of the area Bishop" picking up on Dinozzo's tone.

"On it.."

"Wonder what's up with them?" Asked McGee noticing the face of Tony and the fact that Gibbs ran over to him,

"No idea, could be another weird one."
Both hoping not as they then may have to deal with a growly Gibbs.

"Yeah Tony" he said softly

"Where's bishop?"

"Taking photos of the area why?"

He looked down at where Tony was pointing which was the body.

"Jeeze I think I'm gonna..."

He covered his mouth with his arm

"Breathe boss she's alive it's not her"

"I know but"


"Warn Palmer and Ducky" who had just arrived with the truck. "And keep Bishop away for now" Gibbs said knowing this was the stuff of nightmares.

"On it" Tony jogged over to them to stop them and warn them.

"Let me see it first Mr Palmer"

"Yes of course"

Ah Christ he thought to himself

I don't even have a lead and you've already made this personal.


His little food monsterWhere stories live. Discover now