Back at Work

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"Morning Boss good to see you back"

"Thanks Tim and for the book" giving him a hug

"You're welcome oh Jimmy said Victoria painted you this.."

"Ah I will have to thank her, one for the fridge Bishop"

"Pride of place" with a smile she carefully put it in her bag.

"Nice of you to join us Dinozzo"

"Ah missed you too boss.."

They chatted and thanked for his birthday presents. He then caught up with the rest of the family. Before duty called

"Yeah Gibbs"

"Uh huh thanks"

"Gear up Suspected suicide downtown."

In the elevator

"And the family is back together"

"Yeah it is"

Gibbs gave a low growl

Which made them all laugh

Out at the crime scene

He was soon barking out orders

"McGee cameras.."

"Bishop witness statements"

"Dinozzo photo and sketch"

"And Palmer what do we have"

"TOD approximately 9pm last night"

"Knife wound looks likely but"


"Track marks"

"Ah good spot"

"Ooh keys and his address.."

"Dinozzo see if that's err near here.."


"Yes it is just right above that pharmacy"

"Okay let's go"

"As they got over there they climbed a couple of flights of stairs"

Dinozzo opened the door

"Looks like we need to process this boss"

"Yeah okay I'll go get McGee"

He went back over to bishop and McGee

Feeling a bit queasy he took in a deep breath


"Boss I have the surveillance looks like he did it."

"Good log it and then go to Tony. We will see you at navy yard. "

"You okay boss?" Looking concerned at his pale boss

"Yeah will be go.." taking in more deep breaths trying not to be sick.

"Bishop yeah you finished?"

"Nearly got to do a couple more err what's wrong?"

"Pushed too much err you got chocolate?"

"Yeah here you didn't miss breakfast did you?"

"No just tired"

"Go I'll be fine." Tucking in to the chocolate.

He sat and took in a couple of breaths when his phone rang.

"Yeah Gibbs"

"What do you want Tobias?"

"Hey be nice"

"It's my first day back and I'm tired"

"Jethro I've done what you asked"

"Great thanks Tobias I appreciate it."

"Have to have dinner sometime"

"Yes been too long I'll ask Bishop later"

"Alright be good my love birds"

"Ah shut up.."

"Hanging up be safe Jethro"

"You too Tobias."

Food monster tapped on the window

"Hey ready"

"Good let's go,"

She drove them back.

"You sure it's just tiredness"

"No the victims flat smelt of urine and bleach and err took me back to where Oscar had me."

She put her hand on his leg

He held it feeling calm and better in an instant

He was sat down drinking a water when Vance appeared

Gibbs my office


"Will take the elevator"

Gibbs didn't even say anything and followed him to the elevator

Soon they were sat in the office

"How are you today?"

"Ah err okay think I pushed it a little this morning but I'll be fine."

"If you need more time"

"Ah err no but could do with some time off to err you know"

"Sure consider it done."

"Your sessions with Dr Grace"

"Yeah they're going, I managed to sleep without a nightmare is that everything?"

"For now but if I see you're pushing it"


"You know your be behind Bishop sending me home."

Vance chuckled

The rest of the day went without incident.

Of course, Bishop had made sure that Gibbs had kept a log of any issues so that when he caught up with Dr Grace for his now mandatory sessions he wouldn't forget.

But this time he surprised her and rang Dr Grace straight away who calmed both of their fears.

Which helped them both have a good night sleep.

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 24, more to come with Growler and his Food Monster, thanks for reading

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