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Soon Ducky was checking over the tired and growly patient

"You didn't eat any my dear?"

"No thankfully is he going to be okay ?"

"Yes he didn't have much. I'll do bloods to be sure but if anything he's going to be more"

"Growler sorry I meant Grouchy"

"Growler my dear is a perfect pet name and now you moved in?"

"Yes getting there" she said with a smile

"I fully support you two, I thought things were looking much warmer here"

"Thanks Ducky"

"Now he will need sleep and fluids otherwise we will have a"

"Bear with a sore head" he mumbled behind them

Making Ducky jump

"Jethro your awake"

He nodded "need something to settle the stomach if yer got something Duck"


"Hey why you up you need rest"

They sat down on the couch and he snuggled in to her

"Missed you"

"So much for waiting I'm guessing tomorrow we gonna have to tell everyone."

He nodded as she smoothed his head

"Here are some salts drink it"

"Why do I feel like it's going to be a long night?" He growled

"Because it probably will be I have no idea what they put in that chocolate but it seems to have given you sickness and diarrhoea"

"Which has stopped for now thank god" he mumbled

"Yes indeed"

"Now any ideas?"

"Well shoot"

"What Bishop?" he said with a startle

She smoothed his head "shush you and sleep"

He growled and closed his eyes. His head resting on her lap

Ducky smiled

"My phone went wrong"

soon he was snoring so she carefully led him on the couch covering him in a blanket

"Let's move to the kitchen"

"Your phone, I heard you went AWOL"

"Yes well turns out the phone company thinks it's been hacked."

"Do you think that someone gave you the chocolate?"

"Yes I think they've been here or work at the grocery store where I always buy that chocolate"

"When did you get that specific bar?"

"I didn't"


"It was in my apartment when I went to get my spare phone."

"You assumed it was one you brought earlier?"

"Yeah we had them when moving my stuff Ah Ducky"

"Calm my dear they would have found a way it's not your fault"

"I let him down and now this."

"Look tomorrow we will process everything and find this sob but until then let us rest."

His little food monsterWhere stories live. Discover now