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They were both tired the leads hadn't panned out yet and the alias led to another alias.
He would still close his eyes and see her body there, not knowing if it was real or not only to wake up on her couch so he wouldn't disturb his little food monster.

Gibbs hadn't seen his basement either for a few nights not that he was bored. Things had been hectic and he had also noticed how he hadn't stopped to ask how she was doing.
One day she had noticed he was frustrated with it all and decided to get home just after him.

"Hey you" his food monster went up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Hey I thought you were going to the gym"

"I was but I got the impression you sir need some lovin'"

He growled whilst he had tried to be playful it had come off a bit angrier than he had wanted so she backed off slightly but rubbed his back which he secretly loved.

"Ah this case is driving me nuts"

"I know but maybe we should do what McGee and Delilah do.."

"Download dinner?" He scoffed

"Just a suggestion" she said raising her hands in defence. "Need something before

I hit the shower or do you wanna join?"

"No and no"


She sighed

He grabbed the coffee "um going to read for a bit."

She nodded and went off to the bathroom

He of course couldn't read a book his mind was racing over case so he was reading the case file.

She looked over at him with concern

He went to stop

"No don't stop on my account."

She went off down to the laundry room where they often painted to give him space.

She had begun painting but wasn't really in the mood. So went back upstairs to the lounge to see him pacing so went in to the bedroom and read for a while

After a while he popped his head in.

"You good?"

"Yeah I think so, you getting anywhere"


"Been pacing?"

"Uh huh just letting off some steam."

"But have been starting to err think about something else"

"Go on" putting down her book

He could see her questioning look.

They sat facing each other "I err was wondering if we should try living at mine for a bit."

"Miss yer boat?" He almost laughed "no not that"

Opening some beers she had grabbed from the fridge she handed him one

He looked over "I just been thinking about long term."

She took a swig not saying a word

"You want to move in together?"

"Yeah eventually if yer want"

She took another swig

"Well I have 6 months left on the lease"


He took a swig he knew she had to process, she knew this was hard for him to ask.

She didn't immediately answer

"We have time." He picked up his book and carried on reading.

They sat in relative comfortable silence drinking beer, but he could tell she was thinking it over.

But she pushed him a little "What you thinking Jethro ?"

"That you haven't been to the gym in a while"

"It shows..."

"Not what I meant"

She drank her beer.

"What did you mean?"

"I just haven't seen you go out."

"True I just haven't felt the need. I may go for a run but I enjoy..."

"Haven't you got that band a week tomorrow."

"I can re schedule they are back next month."



"Don't rearrange"


"But yer need to go out"

"Yes sir"



"I just want you to enjoy yourself."

She sighed

"I am"

She drank the rest of the beer. "Right time to do a list"

He looked up from the case file



He sighed.

Eating dinner wasn't anything special they had their roles and stuck to them. She gave him space.

"Made a list of things I could put at yours.."

"Uh huh" he mumbled

She tidied just her plate

"I just want you to go out enjoy yerself"

"Damn it Gibbs if you don't want me to be here then don't be here yourself."

She stormed off in to the bedroom but she left the door slightly ajar

He prepped for the next day and crept in to bed. Both fell asleep in the bed but were very much apart.

In the morning he awoke to a note

Gone to the gym, coffee machine is ready and be safe my growler x

He texted her be safe my little food monster x

At work they kept their distance and Tony soon picked up on it.

"Good Morning Bishop"


"You okay?"

"Ah boss isn't in a great mood"

Tim then appeared and sensed the tension

"What the hell happened?"

"Do we know what's wrong with el heffe Bishop?" asked Tony who sensed she must have been on the end of Gibbs's bad mood.

"Hell if I know.."

Hearing the ding of the elevator Tony assumed correctly that it was Gibbs

"Tim and I were going to the cinema later if you wanna join?"

"Maybe thanks for the offer"

"Gear up we have another body" he growled

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 12, more to come with Growler in full growler mode, thanks for reading X

His little food monsterWhere stories live. Discover now