Figuring it Out P2

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Back at hers she wasn't sure what to do but soon found herself making a list of suitable growler snacks.

Meanwhile he was sat drinking bourbon on the couch.

He hadn't eaten so couldn't take the painkillers.

She had been to the grocery store and got a mix of snacks for her and growler and had just made it back when he rang.

"Hey you, how's the pain?"

"Err Can you come over?"

"Sure be there soon."

"Drive carefully my little food monster"

"Will do."
He closed his phone and then his eyes and waited for her to arrive.

When she arrived he was still on the couch with his eyes closed, but then opened them and held out his hand and she held it whilst making herself comfy next to him

He rested his head against her chest she smoothed his hair.

"Topped up on snacks today for you and me, need to eat with those painkillers"

"I know I haven't eaten anything yet"

"I gathered called for Chinese on the way here thought you could do with it."

"Thanks" he whispered

She was still smoothing his hair and He was almost asleep before they were interrupted by the Chinese being delivered.

He went to move

"Shush growler I'll get it."

Soon he was tucking in to his soup.

"This is good probably shouldn't have had a bourbon either"

"Ah but you needed to relax"

"Need to apologise to yer"

"Not to me, Tony took a hit today"

"I'm certainly living up to my growler status"

She giggled.

"You do calm me my little food monster."

She smiled before dipping in for a short kiss.

They carried on eating their Chinese. Him just taking in the moment so that he could feel relaxed.

"Not going to be much good if this knee doesn't heal"

"Well my growler you need to rest doctors' orders and mine"


"Let's get you in to bed because whilst I may calm you my growler I may not survive ducky."

"True you staying?"

"No I need my own bed tonight. But I will pick you up in the morning so no driving and hey you ring me if you can't sleep my growler."

She helped him up the stairs before waiting whilst he got ready. Whilst she may not have decided on their relationship just yet she knew she would never forgive herself if something happened to her growler on her watch.

He came out in his shorts and t-shirt


He nodded and got in to bed before she kissed him deeply.

"Sleep safe my growler"

"Sweet dreams my little food monster and thanks for coming over." Yawning as he let sleep overtake.

She waited and soon he drifted off. She could have easily watched him sleep but she quietly made her way out and drove home before heading to bed herself.

The next morning she didn't find him awake she had made it to his super early

She went upstairs and found him just waking

"Hey you" he whispered out

She sat down next to him

"Morning my growler"

Stroking his face

He kissed her hand

"Morning my little food monster. You sleep?"

"Yes indeed I did"

"You look less in pain."

" Getting there still super sore here... " he said with a smile showing her the bruise before letting his t-shirt cover it.

"Where here... "Re-lifting his t-shirt to see the bruise

"Uh huh"

She bent down so that she could kiss it gently

They both could have probably taken things further but settled for a long kiss.

"Coffee will be ready in a min."


"Move over"

He moved slightly so she could lie down close to him "so last night"


"Well I just didn't need just sleep I needed to think"


"And how about you breaking rule 12 with me."

"You mean take you out on dates?"


"You sure"

"Yes last night you asking me to come over despite your pain helped me decide."

"Come ere" pulling her in for a kiss.

"Well yer know I ain't very good at relationships"

"I know.."



"Nothing you'll just have to wait and see" he said with a cheeky grin.

She looked at the time

"Come on my boss can be very very growly"

"Help me up."

"Be downstairs when yer ready"

After a quick shower and getting dressed which he decided just to shove jeans and t-shirt on with his black hoody he went downstairs step by step

"You need help my growler"

"At least you didn't say old growler.. nah as long as I do it one by one."

She then gave him a coffee

"Could get used to this" as he sipped.

"Me too."

"Right breakfast on way and then hopefully a break in the case."

"Yes my little food monster." Smiling away to himself wondering how he had gotten so lucky.

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 6, more to come as they continue to figure things out, thanks for reading X

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