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That night after a straightforward case they got in the elevator and she asked what time she should come round "err your welcome anytime."

"Okay won't be long"
He nodded.

He got to his home first, and well couldn't really wait. So he jumped in the shower and changed quickly before he heard her car pull up. He even opened the door to her.

"Hey Growler..."

He was nervous to kiss her but she snuggled in to him.

Before they kissed. Both wishing that they had seen each other well before.

"Glad you're here" he managed to get out.

"Yeah me too, sorry it took so long."

"Ah I told you to take your time."

"Well whilst it would be lovely to stand here and kiss you all night..."

"Ah my little food monster, I was thinking Pizza?"

"Yes and extra sides."

"Of course"

"May I go shower..."

"Uh huh, yeah Ill order and then we can relax."
She stopped at the bottom of the stairs

"Hey Growler"

"Yeah" as he turned

"I really have missed you."

He smiled. His heart did a little jump, before he focused on ordering food for his food monster and getting some beer.

"Go so I can carry on kissing you, I'll be down in the basement." He said as she ran up the stairs. After her shower she was now stood with her back against his unfinished boat.

He was putting some tools away at the time, then he turned.

He took in a deep breath.

"You are testing my patience my little food monster."

"Am I?" She said pretending to be innocent.

"You make my t-shirt look very good." She was wearing an old marines t-shirt

"Sorry it looked far more comfortable than mine."

"Don't break rule 6 for this" as he began his loving kissing assault on her.

"I'll go at your pace my little food monster" he whispered they locked hands wanting to be super close.

They enjoyed their long overdue moment.

After dinner of course Bishop was analysing and since settling for a divorce with Jake she had felt a little uneasy.

He was sat on the couch with this leg up due to the knee being swollen.

"Do you remember when I came down to your basement?" She paced around not wanting yet to settle down for the night.

"Yeah asked me for marital advice"

Chuckling still seeing the irony of it all.

"I still don't know what to believe"

"Just go with your gut"

"You always know what to do Growler"

"Ah but so do you"

She didn't look convinced

"You were there for me when I was shot. I didn't know I needed it and yet you kept checking on me."

"I know probably too much" finally she stopped pacing and went closer to him.

"No not what I was thinking, you came over regardless of what I said, you were what I needed. Even though I didn't know."


"Come on let's try it now, let's just take a min"


"Tell me what your gut is telling you right this second". Putting ice on his swollen knee.

She relaxed her arms and took a deep breath.

He lovingly looked over at her

"It's telling me why I am not snuggled up to you in bed right now."

"Good answer" he managed to say, before asking her to help him up.

Despite him slowly hobbling up the stairs they were soon snuggled up in bed together.

The next evening they had enjoyed a dinner at the local diner of course she will still analysing she asked.

"Why me Growler?"

"Why what?"

"Me as in us?"

He sighed but he knew this was all part of her process.

"Ah sorry..."

"No you deserve an answer"

Elaine poured him another coffee


"You're welcome any more food?"
"No thanks Elaine"
As she walked away to serve other customers he took a sip and then held his food monsters hand.

"I could ask you the same question but as we're being honest you remind me of Shannon."

She was a little shocked, but kept quiet and kept hold of his hand.

"You're Independent, determined and sexy as hell."

She smiled as she finished her pancakes.

In the car "ah hell you're quiet"

"To be honest just enjoying the silence"

But he knew she was still analysing so uncharacteristically he broke it. "That day you decided to divorce Jake after we got back"

"Yeah I remember." With a heavy sigh not wanting to go back to that.

"I just wanted to hold you protect you. All I promise is to keep doing that"

"Sounds good to me" Smiling and kissing his hand.

They then went back to his she drove as his knee was severely in pain. Both wanting to be close to each other she stayed over.

In bed despite his knee pain he rolled over to be on top of her.

"My little food monster enjoy us." Kissing her every spot he could find, before the pain in his knee was too much and he rolled back over, snuggling her close before sleep captured them both.

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 4, more to come as they continue to figure things out, thanks for reading. Please let me know what you think

His little food monsterWhere stories live. Discover now