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They looked around the car,

"No sign of Troy or Oscar"

"Let bomb squad clear it" growled out Gibbs

Noticing they were trying to open the door.

"They won't be here for a while boss" making Gibbs sigh.

"Come on there must be more"

There was a blood trail leading in to the warehouse McGee had spotted it and had gotten the samples

"Get it to Abby" Gibbs growled

"On it" McGee said already getting the samples

"Dinozzo with me"

Bishop stayed outside as there was only one exit on this warehouse.

Gibbs had his gun poised and his torch making some light as they were slowly walking through a long corridor which was poorly lit

Gibbs slowly took him and Dinozzo down clearing as they went.

"Door down there boss"


He could hear the faint scream

"Scream let's go they picked up the pace."

Outside Bishop was getting impatient but McGee called her over


"Yeah McGee"

He had found blueprints of the warehouse

"Oh no"

She turned on the radio

"Err Gibbs get out this place is wired"

Nothing as the two were still walking down towards the door.

"Gibbs, Dinozzo do you read?!"

"Yeah we heard" Dinozzo whispered

"Come on boss let's go back the way we came."

They had just reached the door.


"Ah hell" cursed Gibbs hearing the click


"Pressure pad.."

Tony went to speak

"Just go get bomb squad go Tony I am not letting this bastard go." Gibbs calmly said

Outside Bishop winced at the news

"Did he just say pressure pad?"


"I'm chasing up the bomb squad now" McGee said as he tried to put on a brave face.

Dinozzo was about to turn but then the door creaked open.

Gibbs was grabbed being held with a knife to his throat.

"Wise words now go tell Agent Bishop that she needs to prepare for a funeral."

Gibbs just blinked at Dinozzo telling him to run.

"On it boss and made a run for it."

"Troy?" Asked Gibbs

"Oscar" as he held Gibbs

Gibbs tried to fight

"I don't think so Gibbs and don't worry that pressure pad isn't wired just yet."
Oscar punched Gibbs and pushed him in to the room. Closing the door and armed the door and now the pressure pad.

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