Proposal P2

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"Hey growler"

"I love you my little food monster"

She smiled

"Did I push you too much yesterday?"

"No the doc said that was just not having enough fluids but now I'm taking all the right vitamins and drinks I'll be fine."

"You still okay to go to the cabin?"

"Yes I think we need it"

"Amen to that"

"Okay you rest I'll pack"

"No let me help"

"Okay go easy"

At the cabin

They had made it slightly later than planned but soon we're snuggled up together on the couch with the fire roaring away.

"You err okay there growler"

"Yeah just thinking I'm the luckiest man alive." Sipping his hot chocolate.

She yawned


"Yeah need rest doctors orders"

He smiled. She used the bathroom whilst he pulled out the couch bed.

"When did you..."


"Looks super comfy"

"Uh huh." They climbed in to bed together.

"Night my little food monster"

"Night.." She began to say Growler but was sound asleep just as her head hit the pillow.

The next morning she was up making coffee

He awoke calling out her name.

"Hey you" she climbed back on to the bed

"Nightmare again"


She kissed his head as he snuggled in to her chest.


"Yeah thanks"

They slowly got up making breakfast.

She got stuck in to a good book whilst he chopped up some wood and did odd jobs outside.

When she decided to go for a gentle stroll around the grounds. He made his plans for later.

He was so nervous he nearly dropped the ring in to a bucket of water. Get a grip marine. He said to himself.

"Err you okay growler?" Making him jump

"Err yeah just nearly sliced my finger. Good walk?"

"Yeah it's so nice here your hand okay?"

"Yeah fine close call." Showing her that there was nothing.

"Anything I can do?"

"Just enjoy the sunshine my love." He had stuffed the ring in his back pocket just in time.

"You seem distracted"

"Ah no just thinking of all the things going on."

She smiled

They spent the afternoon just relaxing listening to music on an old radio and just enjoyed each other's company.

It wasn't until the evening when he went off for a walk to check on his plan.

All sorted and when he got back  he changed in to her favourite suite of his all black.

"Dinner my lady..." she didn't know what was happening But having changed in to the black dress he had laid out for her and covered her shoulders with a shawl she walked out and saw a trail of solar lights

Holding her hand he led her to a small clearing.

"Wow this is amazing."

There in front of her was a table and chairs with a fire pit cooking food on.

"Yummy "

"Takes me back to our six month picnic"

"That was the idea"

"What are we celebrating..."

" Us." was all he could say with a slight choke due to all his emotions bubbling away

He kissed her

He then finished off cooking steaks

He cleared it away, dousing the fire so that he could continue his plan.

He was nervous and tried not to show it.

She smiled "Well my growler you did good something magical about this place."

He smiled he then went over to her.

He then handed her a single rose

"Huh our first date"

"Yes" he managed to say.

"Growler you..."

Stopping in her tracks he got down on one knee

"Well Eleanor my little food monster. The first day I met you I knew you were something special. But I didn't realise just how special until now. I have no idea why you love me but I can't live without you. So will you do me the honour of being my wife?" He pulled out the ring which was a bespoke silver ring he had designed by a friend of Leon's.

Tears were running down her face as she took his words in.

"Yes my growler I will" kissing him.

He put the ring on her finger. Kissed her some more.

"You really are a romantic and full of surprises."

"Don't go telling anyone"

"I'm not sure I deserve it..."

A smile that hadn't been seen since Shannon

"Trust me Your worth it the future Mrs Gibbs"

"Now that's a name I get used too..."

"Good my special agent food monster" which made her laugh out loud he then he picked her up.

"Dessert is at 3am after I make love to you."

"Sounds perfect Special Agent Growler" and with that, the next chapter of their life began.

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 26, just one more chapter to come of Growler and his food monster, thanks for reading

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