6 Months

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It had been exactly 6 months since Oklahoma.

He had sort of felt better especially when he had received some more proper cooking from his food monster so went into work. Whilst the may sun was beaming down which had also lifted his mood he felt that they were all suffering his headache hadn't completely gone and he was getting tired. That was the night before. "Okay go home rest, tomorrow day off no one in, we are tired. "

"You sure boss?"

"Yes Tony go home before I have you mopping floors."

"Yes sir see you..."

"Bye Tony" said Tim and Bishop who were busy packing their stuff away

"Bishop go get your stuff then mine, order the Chinese I like and whatever you want. I'll be home in hour. "


"McGee have a good night and enjoy tomorrow with Delilah"
"yes boss thanks" and then he disappeared

"What did the boss say to you?"

"Huh oh only to stop analysing the case"

"He knows us too well."

"Yeah, what you err going to do on your day off?"

"I'll see if Delilah is about for the day or lunch. If not I feel like maybe just sleeping."

"That is something we can all agree on. But I may need a run too. Haven't had much chance lately." Silently smiling as she remembered being snuggled up to her poorly Growler.

Meanwhile down in autopsy



"Team is off tomorrow, can you let Jimmy know."

"Sure. You doing anything special?"

He blushed lifting his neck in his usual Gibbs fashion.

Ducky raised his eye brow

"Ah I just going to tell her that's all."

"Good luck my dear friend"

"Thanks I think"

"Ah hell this is killing me.."

"Jethro like I said it's not unrequited. Love is a fickle thing but Jethro let her process your feelings give her time."

He nodded

"Thanks Duck I owe you."

"No just do me a favour Jethro"


"Just take it step by step and most importantly look after each other regardless."

"Ah I've promised to always protect her." he swallowed hard. He knew that this may end their bond or make it in to something wonderful. His heart pleading that it was something wonderful.

He thanked Ducky and started his drive home via the grocery store to pick up their picnic lunch and got home to enjoy the Chinese with his food monster.

That morning he was up early packing for their day out. It was her time to be extra tired.

"Come on my sleeping food monster let's go."

"Where we going today?"

"Picnic and a walk"

"Sounds good"

Whilst he grabbed some breakfast burritos which helped keep her awake a little but on the way his food monster fell back asleep but when he stopped the car she awoke to see a wonderful view.

His little food monsterWhere stories live. Discover now