Catching Moments

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"So back to work tomorrow"
"Yes indeed is your snack drawer full?" He asked wondering if they needed to stop on the way home.
"Yes it is, did it before I went home."
"Good, just need to make sure my little food monster isn't going hungry tomorrow."
He could tell she was analysing now that he was driving.

"What yer thinking?" he boldly asked even though they were more open with each other since he arrived in Oklahoma.

"Ah just deciding what's next."
"With Jake or us?"

"Yes boss"
"Growler or Jethro"

"Oh so you like Growler"
"Yes don't change the subject" which got him a smile.
"You sounded very like boss then it's a natural reaction. But yes my growler." Rolling her eyes at him.
"Don't over analyse this, hell I'll even try and not be too much of a bastard, but you decide what you want I don't want to pressure you."
"No need to probably start a fresh."
"Sounds good." His heart sank a little, he wasn't sure where she would take it but he would still love her even though from a far.

Soon they were pulling up to his.
"Like to err give you a proper goodbye" he said as he got out of the car. She followed him in.
He dumped his bags on the floor.
She closed the door behind her.
"Well thanks for being there for me..." he couldn't help it, he pushed her up against the door. Kissing her on the lips before travelling down her neck. Before stopping and looking in to her eyes.

"Be safe my little food monster. I miss you already"
"Hey sleep well my growler" kissing him on the forehead. Before they had a deep final kiss.
He held her hand for as long as he could.
"Whatever you decide just know that you are loved."
And with that they were apart. He watched her drive away, he took in a deep breath. And soon was back down in his basement trying to keep busy so that he wouldn't miss his little food monster too much.

In the morning he was at his desk waiting for the day to truly begin. He hadn't been able to sleep much because he missed being with her. He wondered if she felt the same, but when she came out of the elevator wide awake and in a good mood, he felt a pang for the fun that they had whilst they had been away.
"Morning Boss" as she logged on to her computer, she smiled.
"Morning Bishop" Glad you're okay he thought.
"The boys in?"

"Not sleep?"
He shook his head, she looked concerned, but before either could say anything the elevator pinged and the two noisy agents came out of the elevator
"Morning boys.."
"Ah our precious Probie has returned."
"That I have."
"Boss man"
"Morning" he growled.

"Welcome back Ellie, hope you're okay"
"Thanks Tim getting there."

Gibbs phone then goes, "Yeah Gibbs?"
"On our way thanks"

"Gear up"
And with that their first day back together was just business as usual.

It was some while after her official break up from Jake.

But she started messaging him in the morning.
"Morning Growler"
"Morning my food monster."

His heart jumped, he hoped it wasn't false hope. So he decided one day after she had been over analysing the case, to have a meeting in the elevator.

"Bishop with me"

"Yes boss"
Tim who was just coming back to his desk "Uh oh hope he goes easy with her"
Tony looked

"Yeah I am sure it's nothing you know she analyses everything."
Tim nodded and sat down and carried on with the case notes.

Growler stopped the elevator

"Hey you my little food monster"

"You okay growler" they would stood staring at each other.

"Ah just missed you"

His little food monsterWhere stories live. Discover now