Growler's Birthday P2

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She breathed a sigh of relief before putting the boy's gifts on the table next to hers and one other.

Crawling in to bed next to her growler she smiled as she watched him sleep with a contentment she hadn't seen on him for a while.

Ordinarily his birthday came and went. Without fuss.

But today was a little different.

"Morning happy birthday growler" she said softly

Kissing her thanks

"We heard from Tony"

"Yes I did" and she updated him.

"I err know you don't want to make a fuss today."

"Uh huh.. but I think we should go visit your family."


"I got some flowers they are downstairs"

"You sure"

"They meant the world to you and I just wanted to include them in today."

"Ah you really are perfect my love."

They got up and showered.

"Come on let's go..."

As He got ready in his favourite smart jeans and a jumper with a t-shirt. He put on his leather jacket, whilst he waited for her to come downstairs He noticed the small pile of gifts and blushed slightly but the kid inside him, poked one.

She giggled

He stopped and smirked folding his arms playfully to pretend he wasn't doing anything.

"Here" handing him the flowers.

"Thanks they are lovely"

They drove out to his family

Putting the flowers down. "This is Eleanor she's looking after me now. But hell I miss you guys."

Holding her hand even tighter. Silently he said a prayer before they took a walk around.

"Food monster.."


"This has been perfect"

Back at home after breakfast

"He started picking at the gifts"

"May I?"


First up was a joint one from Abby, Duck and palmer

It was a set of wood working tools that he had spotted at an antiques place when out with Duck.

He smiled

"Huh gonna leave the growler ones till last"

He shook Tony's but opened it with care

His favourite Coffee beans and a nice new travel mug.

He tried to figure out Tim's but couldn't  it was a book on Ww2 that he had spoken about

Then sipping his coffee

He opened the first of hers. "Happy birthday my love"

Water colour set

He smiled thanks

Second was a new black hoody

"Well someone keeps wearing your other one."

He laughed kissing her and the he put it on "fits perfect"

And third was a framed photo of Kelly

He held it

"Thought we could have it up with our photos"

"But I never showed you this one."

"I know Duckman to the rescue hope ..."

"It really is perfect C'mere..."

He pulled her in to a kiss and they made love on the couch.

Relaxing and feeding each other birthday cake which she had used his favourite cinnamon coffee.

"Ah this has been a perfect birthday."


"Thanks for including them."

"Your welcome"

Snuggled in his arms laying in to his chest.

"Bet yer heart was racing yesterday morning though..."

"You have no idea"

He chuckled

"You didn't guess.."

"Nope I promise I didn't my little food monster."

"Have to print some of ours off to go with."

"Yeah where shall we hang them ?"

"How about in the dining room ?"


"And question"


"Holiday ones to go in the cabin?"

Huh why not can't wait to take you there again.

"Sounds like fun, huh there's an idea."


"Maybe we could spend Christmas in the cabin?"

"I thought we were back at your parents "

"Nope they asked us to go for new year because they have friends over for Christmas."

"Ah why not then be actually quietly perfect. May even try and get there before"..

"Let's hope so."

"Right basement time"

He took her design and started to draw out the box. So he could measure out the wood.

Meanwhile she was on the couch sketching when her phone rang.

"Evening Director"

"Ellie is he there"

"Sure let me just get him for you"



"Hey Leon"

"Happy birthday Gibbs"

"Thanks, be in work tomorrow"

"You're up to it"

"Yeah having Bishop here has been a god send. Sending her an air kiss."

"Good, You out of ear shot."

"One moment."

Closes basement door

"Yeah am now."

"It will be ready in a couple of weeks if that works"

"Uh huh yeah works perfectly I owe you one Leon."

"Ah don't be silly it's a privilege"

"Now you have a good rest of the day and see you tomorrow and no need to be super early."

"You too and thanks."
Going back in to the lounge

"Huh all good?"

"Yeah just Leon being Leon"


She had a look of concern on her face

"I'll be fine."

"C'mere" he cuddled her

"I know but yer know.."

"Yeah I do."

"Now night cap time and then bed. I hear the boss can be super growly.."

Making her laugh.

"Yeah sounds good let me set the coffee machine."

And with that they went up  to bed together taking their night caps with them.

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 23, more to come with Growler and his Food Monster, thanks for reading

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