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The next day his little food monster stirred.

"Do we have to go in boss?" She mumbled

"Yes" he growled in full Gibbs mode

She opened her eyes in surprise

He then burst out laughing

She playfully hit him


He rolled over to be on top of her smirking

Then he began to work his magic "You know we have time..."

"Huh I'm not sure now" she giggled pushing him back over to then straddle him.

Of course, she was messing and soon they made love for the second time in their bed, having done so after a perfect evening.

He soon was making coffee for two and smiled at the fact.

He turned to see the lounge looking warmer like it was more than a place to just be.

It was their home and he sighed as he remembered Kelly's giggle.

"Hey you" his food monster gently said waking him from his trance.

He kissed her on the forehead and they drank coffee and were eating breakfast.

"Right gym before me boss wants me working hard"

"Be safe my little food monster"

"You too growler you too"

She stopped at the door


"I love you"

She should have gone in with him instead of the gym

He should have said he loved her back but instead he just smiled and blew her a kiss

When he arrived at work it was just him

He enjoyed the quiet but he missed his food monster and he took in a deep breath and let the emotions of the weekend wash over him.

As he did his phone rang

"Yeah Gibbs"

"Uh huh" he growled

He rang Tony

Texted bishop and McGee the address of the church yard that a body of a marine had been found.

He had only heard back from the boys and not his food monster.

They soon arrived at the scene

She never showed

Dinozzo tried to make a comment but he just stared at him to get on with his job.

It wasn't until they were back in the squad room that he started to worry. She still wasn't there

"I can go and find her boss"

"No, I'll deal you chase down the officer's family Dinozzo."

"On it"

In the elevator, He rang her but it went straight to voicemail

He first went to the gym and was told she left on time but did say she had to go home.

He nodded so drove like a bat out of hell to theirs


He went then to hers

Banging on the door

He was about to pick the lock but then

His phone rang

"What Dinozzo?"

Meanwhile, Bishop had received another text which said for her friend to meet her at the mall.

As she strolled around she didn't find her friend and bumped in to Vance


"Agent Bishop"

"Why are you here and not on the case?"

She looked over confused And then started to explain to which he stopped her.

"Do you have your car?"

"Yes sir"

"Okay you can take us back let me just pick up this gift and we shall then head in to my office."

She nodded and could overhear the Director

"Yes Gibbs I have found her just be in my office ready."

"Will be Vance, will be"

Is heart raced and he let out a sigh of relief before getting an update from the boys

"Bishop is on her way in and I don't want any crap from either of you."

"Got it" they both said in unison

"So looks like a cut and dried case" started McGee

Tony pressed the clicker to show a video of the officer being followed and then McGee took over showing the mugging and the kill.

"Do we know who this guy is?"

"We should do soon as we should get some prints but we do have a bolo out."

Then the elevator pinged and Bishop and Vance both walked out. She put her bag and gun away at her desk not even dare to look at anyone and followed quietly and quickly behind Vance. Gibbs sighed and followed.

Tony turned to watch

"Is it me or does the boss look?"



"Hmm I'm sure it will be fine."
"Let's get this case wrapped up and then we can help who ever needs it."

The boys went off, whilst Gibbs, Bishop and Vance all stood in Vance's office.

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 16, more to come with Growler and his Food Monster, thanks for reading

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