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They had now been on a few dates. Still not taking things all the way. But they would occasionally push and take things a little further as they adored being close to each other.

In the morning early hours

They laid their quiet both knowing each were awake

"You okay" he asked

"Yes why" she replied

"Oh I dunno you seem a little quiet"

"Ha I know your tricks Mr"

He rolled over soon was above her arms either side of her head

"Growler... hmm what tricks?"

"That you want me to say yes I am unwell and that you want to make love to me to make me feel better."

He smirked

"That's my Food monster"

He said lowering himself on top of her kissing her neck



"Leroy" She deployed this name when she really needed him to focus.

He deeply kissed her and rolled back over to his side "sorry" he whispered...

He laid there quiet

"Hey Growler"


"We will soon I promise just yer know need a little more time plus this time of the month ain't great."

He nodded "I just love you" as she laid across his bare chest.

"No need to be sorry and trust me I don't need touching when you were in my mouth earlier." Whilst they may not have made love they had taken their closeness to a new level whilst in the shower that evening.

He cuddled her for the next few hours not letting go.

He waited for her to go to sleep

"Please don't let me fuck this one up God." He whispered before the sleep arrived again.

"Hey we're late"

"No we're not" he mumbled

"Come on growler"

"Mmm no want to kiss you some more"

"Are you pouting.." giggling at how sweet and cute her growler looked as she caved in to his need for kisses and closeness

"Your very handsome when your just waking" kissing his neck her phone then interrupted

He looked at his watch. He smiled oops for them being late.

"Tony is ringing me what should I say"

"Say that I rang you for help with my truck" as he pulled up the cover over him.

"Hi Tony" pulling the covers back.

"Where are you Bishop and have you heard from Gibbs"

"Yeah didn't he ring you? I am helping him with this truck."

Gibbs had got up still sleepy and was just in his boxers nearly made her giggle so she turned away from him

He smirked and then went up behind her grabbing the phone and within an instant went from growler to full on Gibbs mode.

"What Dinozzo"

"Sorry boss was worried but it's only we have a case. Text bishop the details she's driving me."

His little food monsterWhere stories live. Discover now