Argument P4

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At 3am in the morning they were on the couch eating tiramisu feeding each other spoonfuls of the welcomed dessert.

Sat side by side, "you are really perfect" kissing her clearing some cream from her lips.

Putting the bowl down on his coffee table.

She then snuggled up to him and he grabbed the blanket to put over them keeping them both warm.

He smoothed her hair

"This is one of the many reasons why I love you."

"I'll try and remember"

They just enjoyed their new found connection

She could tell there were a million things running through his head but hoped she could calm at least one.

"Do you know why my growler I waited?"

"Nope and it doesn't matter it was worth the wait."

"Amen to that, but I will tell you."

He nodded

"When you told me that you loved me at 6 months I felt like everything was complete as in you were 100% in."

"I was I mean I still am."

"I know but I wasn't and I didn't want to let you down. But since you've let me be with you when you're full on Growler..."

"You know you could have never let me down."

"Maybe. But you said earlier that you pushed me the other week, no I let you down I nearly regretted that moment. But most importantly you never gave up on me."

She kissed him as he snuggled them closer together. "Like you haven't given up on me" he whispered.

Smoothing her hair, he just soaked it all in like a sponge.

As she yawned he let her move and get comfy. Just holding her he smiled as she fell asleep on him. Watching her sleep was one of the most favourite things.

It hadn't mattered to him that it had taken them months to make love for the first time.

As he finally fell asleep himself he felt calmer even more so. But little did they know what nightmare they were about to face.

When they awoke they were still tangled up together on the couch.

He gently started to kiss her neck

"Morning my Growler"

Trying to turn so she could kiss him properly which after a few moments of nibbling at her neck he let her.


"Yes for you"

"Well whilst I would love you to take us to the proper bed..."

"Uh huh"

"I think it's time I did move in to yours."

He smoothed away some hair that looked as if it was tickling her nose.

"You sure?"

"Yes I have never been surer"

"Was that the list you made?"

"See you were paying attention the other night" playfully hitting him

"I always do when it comes to my little food monster." Lifting her off the couch

"Ah where we going?"

"Bathroom then coffee then food then home sweet home."

"I need to bring things..."

"I just need you my food monster"

"Growler" laughing as he continued to tickle her as he undressed her

"The more you talk food monster the less time for eating"

"Huh true"

As he bent down to remove her underwear

"Which in turn means less time for me to enjoy you" kissing her as he continued

"Which means more full on Growler"

"Yes so shush now your Growler needs his coffee soon but he does need his food monster first" as they enjoyed a shower together.

They had finally made it to his and it was early evening when they were making the bed room look more habitable not just a bed. She put their fave painting on the wall that she had done whilst on a date with him. He had made the bed

"Looks like home already" she said adding a couple more things

"Yes it does" as he led down on the bed

She placed her hands on her hips

"You okay Growler?" noticing he was often clearing his eyes

"No c'mere"

She clambered over to him

"I really don't deserve you"

She snuggled his head in to her chest smoothing his hair

"Sure you do" she whispered

He tried not to let the tears come but they did.

She held him tight she then lifted his head up and softly kissed the tears away.

He took a moment

"And my love" he whispered out


"Never regret not being ready it really was worth it."

They kissed deeply and she whispered

"I promise not to and I'll always be honest with you."

Soon they were snuggled under the covers even though they were fully dressed, he held her and pointed to a corner in the room

"Need a colourful picture over there I think"

"Ooh how about a flamingo"

"Yes you could paint me one"

"You really like them?"

"You can never have too many" he smiled

"Ha true I know the others don't know about us yet"


"Huh I gathered"

"Rule 4"

"Fair enough"

"Want to tell them?" he asked

"Not yet wanna enjoy us being here first"


"But If they ask I ain't lying"

"Deal" he replied getting up

"Food my food monster be munching me otherwise"

She looked over to him licking her lips

"Be good..."

"Or what you'll punish me.."

"God you really are going to finish me.." he playfully growled

She just led there looking at him with a smile that kept melting his heart.

"ha you cut it out" adjusting himself almost being embarrassed by it

She giggled at the site

"Oops Come on let's get food gotta keep my growlers energy up" putting her arms around his waist.

Laughing as they went downstairs together before ordering a take out and enjoying an evening living together as a proper couple.

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 15, more to come with Growler and his Food Monster, thanks for reading X

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