Headache Part 2

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When she got back

Bishop went straight down to see Ducky

"My dear Eleanor how can I help you."

"Well Gibbs is at home sleeping, Tony has point and I need to understand these marks"

"This headache must be bad"

"Yes he said he hasn't had his full quota of coffee oh and he said he was feeling queasy."

"You gave him the chocolate?"


"Good my dear keep me updated"

"I will."

"Now these marks..."

That night they didn't finish until 9

So she texted instead of calling

"Hey just checking in"

Gibbs was awake led out on the couch ice pack on his head. He texted her back

"Can you come?"

"Sure be there in five"

She arrived

"Still hurting?"

He nodded

"Need a cuddle"

They snuggled up on the couch

"When you're ready Ducky gave me these if the aspirin wasn't working"

"Got more of the chocolate?"

She smiled "yes and I will get you some ice water"


She un tangled herself

And she went and got some ice water He took the tablets and ate more of the chocolate

She then went and got changed and joined him on the couch

"You can use the bed"

"No if you're down here so am I"

He nodded as he was feeling sleepier

He rested his head on her lap and as she massaged his head he was soon sound asleep.

"Night my growler"

They both awoke to her alarm

Sorry as he moaned at what the noise was she said leaning over him to turn it off.

"How you feeling?"

I think I need to have today.

"I'll call Ducky"

"Bishop. It's only caffeine withdrawal"

She sighed..

"Okay you gonna ring Vance?"

He could sense her mood change. She got up from the couch.


"Right well I better go." Holding his hand not really wanting to leave him.

"Chocolate is in the fridge and so is some ice water. Oh and I'll bring dinner back later after I've done some grocery shopping." Letting go of his hand she went and got ready for work. When she returned "I can do some of that" he started to say

"No rest my growler" she walked in to him



"Ah I don't know what I have done to deserve you."

She looked up at him there was pain written all over his face.

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