Breaking the Case

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"Bishop work with Tim and see if the network will help some more."


"Dinozzo with me let's go process the house."

Gibbs put his hand in to his pockets to get the house keys.

"Ah crap"

"Hey key" he quietly said to his food monster

She raised her eyes at him

"Mines at home sorry"

"Here you go. Be safe"

He nodded

Dinozzo was smiling like a Cheshire Cat

Which earned him a Gibbs slap

"So good to see you happy boss." Rubbing his head.

"I'll be happy when I've got this bastard."

When they arrived they cleared Bishops house.

"Did you notice the red car down the road Gibbs?" Dinozzo thought something looked all too familiar with it.

"Yeah err run the plates" For once Gibbs had just noticed it unlike it SFA but as his gut was churning anyway he just had to trust Dinozzo

"On it"

Gibbs started to take prints

It was normally Dinozzo who had the moment of crisis but this time it was all Gibbs.

"Anything boss?"

Gibbs jumped

"Ah only two prints but err will check em"

"You alright?"

He shook his head

He strode in to the lounge and crouched down his head in his hands.

"I don't get it Tony Why Bishop?"

"Maybe this is an old case of hers"

"You mean NSA?"

"Yeah I mean maybe that's?"

"It all happened here"

"What you mean boss?"

"The chocolate was from here"

"Yeah but the texts"

"The one to the mall came when she was back here"

"So oh your thinking he lured her only from here"

He nodded.

"Plates came back boss"


"Former NSA employee Mr Troy Harrison"

He nodded

"Okay let's get back" getting up.

They rang Bishop on speaker

"You know him Bishop?"

"Nothing yet but I will check with the NSA see if our paths crossed."

"Okay but don't go anywhere he is mobile and if is our man"


They strode back in to the squad room

"Anything?" He growled

"Yeah" Bishop clicked Harrison's photo on to the plasma.

"Turns out our former NSA officer was sacked and had to spend three months in prison"

"Why didn't that pop earlier?" Dinozzo asked

"It was sealed"


"Because he was on an active case meet former bomber Oscar Tees."

"You work on this case?"

"Yeah my analysis found he had a routine which led Troy to eventually take him down. But I only knew Troy as Agent 2 as we couldn't risk Oscar Tees finding out who was tracking him"

"I don't get it Bishop if you both took down this bomber then why is Troy coming after you?"

"Because of this"

Bishop pressed the clicker and the plasma showed Troy's bank account as Agent 2.

"I found a money trail too"


"Sorta turns out Oscar convinced Troy to keep us at a distance."

"Why only three months?"

"Until Oscar, Troy had an exemplary career. The judge didn't want any trouble but he was on a watch list for life plus they could never prove that Troy knew about the bombings. The last one was at a marine ball that's when Troy took Oscar down before he could blow it up."

"I have something too on that"

"Turns out that our victim's families were all there and NSA."

"This isn't Troy"

"What?" Gibbs growled,

"Troy wouldn't need to go after anyone"


"Isn't he in prison?"

"Nope released a year ago part of a goodwill program," Tim advised showing the record on-screen.

"Alright bolo out for both until we know who is doing the killing then assume both are equally dangerous."

They took a few more hours tracking down leads and Abs confirmed the poisoning.

"Troy left the tickets, I have just had NSA confirm his handwriting."

"Maybe the tickets were related to that Marine ball."

"There is something missing, what did we miss?" Asked Bishop who was reading her old NSA files.

"Yeah Gibbs?" Answering his phone

"Okay on way do not approach."

"You got something?"

"Troy's car outside a warehouse on the old trading estate downtown"

"Gear up."

"Dinozzo call bomb squad on the way."

Outside the warehouse Growler and Food monster sat in the car.

He needed a moment his gut was churning

"Feels too easy doesn't it"


"Food monster I love you be safe"

"Love you too & be safe Growler"

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 19, more to come with Growler and his Food Monster, thanks for reading

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