Argument P2

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In the evening in the bullpen

"Hey you" she said as they were now alone

He looked up

"You okay?"

"Yeah you?"

"Ah just need this case to break.." the case had led them to another body and another ticket found. It had been brutal and they were still waiting to chat to family who were flying in.

"I know"

"You want to get some food?"

"Not that hungry" he growled softly.

She left him a chocolate bar on his desk. "Text yer later Growler" And she left for the evening.

He sighed but smiled at the bar and began to eat it.

"Jethro what on earth are you doing here so late?"

"Ah this case" closing some more files on his desk.

"Where's Eleanor"

"Gone home I hope", running his hands through his hair.

"Ah just go home Jethro just be there."

He nodded and off he went.

He went in And she was already in the bedroom sound asleep

He grabbed a blanket and a pillow and relaxed out on the couch.

Grabbing a bowl of cereal

"Why do I always mess it up" he said to himself giving himself a Gibbs slap

He cleared up and got the coffee machine ready for the morning. Before heading back to the couch he peeked through the door. She was still sound asleep but this time was all sprawled out so he pulled the cover over her and kissed her softly on the head.

"I love you my little food monster I really do"

and spent a few moments beside her before going back out to the couch to sleep.

In the morning Bishop was up before him. She put his coffee by the couch and kissed him to wake him up

"Hey you" he whispered

Hey coffee is there taking me car this morning as off to the gym

"Uh huh" he mumbled

He sat up its 4 am taking a sip looking at his watch

She got her bits together and headed to the door.

He had gotten up from the couch and waited for her.

"I just need to figure out what I would like, I'll see you at work."

"Be safe my little food monster" kissing her on the cheek.

"You too growler, you too."

They both sighed either side of the door. Almost knowing that they stood there for a while missing each other instantly.

When he arrived she was talking to Tony about going to the band.

He sighed his heart ached for her.

"Morning boss.."

"Morning" he growled out dumping his now empty coffee cup in his bin.


"No..That band this week?"
"Err no next they just released a special set list."

"Sorry boss"

"no enjoy it"

"You can still come"

"Nah, if you need me I'm gonna see Ducky."

"Morning Jethro"

"Hey Duck"

"Ah Jethro how are you?"

"Case is a strange one"

Taking a moment before continuing
"These bodies weird marks, tickets left on the body potentially written by the killer."


"Yeah I said how are you?"

"Ah had an argument with Bishop hence last night"

Not resolved

"Nope did my usual pushed her too far."

"So what are you doing to do about it?"

"I dunno took the case home with me too. Whose body?"

"Car crash. Ah my dear boy may I prescribe a night of no work."
"That would be nice. Need this case to break."

"Have our family not got a lead?"

"Ah what shall I do?"

"About the case or Eleanor"

He just stared at him

"Look take her home, spoil her with dinner and don't talk work."

He sighed

"Ah Duck I'm just scared of messing this one up."

"Here I have some go to recipes "

"Thanks Duck."

"Your welcome."

"Good lord he really has this bad he whispered to the body on the autopsy table which wasn't for once to do with Gibbs team."

Back in the bullpen

"I may have a lead on the money but nothing really concrete just yet."

"We hear from the FBI yesterday?" who were currently checking for similarties on old cases.

"No I will chase up"


"Go home all of you"


"I am not having this case break all of you."


"Yeah let's go home." Wanting to be with his food monster and he was tired still.
"I don't want to see anyone until Thursday as I am sure that when this does break you will all work non stop"

"You too Gibbs go be with your boat or something. Something will crack and as I have just said I am not having a team break instead of the case."

"Yes thanks Leon."

"Gibbs I mean it..." motioning his hand for Gibbs to give him something

He grabbed the file out of a bag and handed it to him.

They all stood in the lift, to be fair they were all tired nothing had truly broken. Even ideas we're scarce

"Nice to know he cares boss"

He just grunted and of course Gibbs was angry so smacked the side of the elevator making them jump

They were all quiet and tried not to look as Gibbs rubbed his hand.

Not even Tony broke the silence as they headed to their cars.

It was as if he had forgotten they were in there then suddenly released. He couldn't look at them. Sorry he said as they left

McGee whispered "Christ Tony we need to work together"

"I know Tim I mean he's stressed let's get back to mine get beer and pizza I may have some leads we can follow. Yeah let's go what about Bishop?"

"Nah she seems focused, we'll text her later."
In the parking lot Gibbs walked over to his truck and he texted Bishop

"Okay to come to yours? X G"

"Sure, be there in about an hour just gonna do something"

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 13, more to come with Growler and his Food Monster, thanks for reading X

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