Missing P2

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"Agent Bishop please explain what happened this morning"

She nodded "I left home and went to the gym. I realised I had left something at home so thought I had time to go back and pick it up. I messaged Gibbs to advise and told the gym receptionist too.

Whilst at home I then received a text that it was okay and not to come in. I went to ring but my phone went out of service."
She took a breath.

"I was going to drive back in to make sure."

"Rule 3" Gibbs mumbled

Vance nodded

"But then received another message from an old friend advising me about a case and would I meet me at the mall. Then I bumped in to you Director."

"Your phone let us see it"

She showed them both the messages and her attempts at the calls.

"Gibbs I will give you the room as I believe this is for you to now decide on what happens next, I don't want your badge today."

"Yes sir"

"Just glad your safe Agent Bishop" and Vance left the room.

"Do you know who sent them?" he asked calmly not even a hint of anger, but she could tell he was disappointed in her.

"No I don't but I started to check the network site and it does say something about issues."

"But what about your friend he asked calmly"

"Umm that was part of an old text to meet at the mall."

"So another network issue"

She nodded. They stood there in silence

"You are on desk duty for the rest of the week type up the reports we have outstanding."

She nodded.

"Elevator and wait for me."

He soon filled Leon in and they let it be.

In the now stopped elevator

"Growler I.."

He kissed her passionately

"I didn't know the hell you were and it scared me." As he held her

"I'm sorry it won't happen again"

"I hope not I love you my little food monster."

"Now get to work" he growled out the elevator doors opened and she silently went to her desk.

McGee and Dinozzo stood up and brought the reports over having being filled in by the Director.

But the boys had both put a snack on top of their pile of reports for her.

She thanked them with a weak but sincere smile.

He hadn't gotten angry apart from the odd growl he silently just went about his business and she knew she had let him down and that for her was worse.

The rest of the day went without incident, she had gotten through a good chunk of the reports when she realised it was just her and her growler left.

"Ten more mins" he softly said


"You need anything from yours?"

"I have err spare phone I should now use"

He nodded "okay we go to yours then fireplace steak at ours"

She nodded

He was still a little jittery about leaving her alone anywhere so he came in to hers whilst she found her phone and she picked up some more bits.

Soon he had her safe at home.

She followed him in

"I'm gonna take a shower if that's okay?"

He nodded "you don't have to ask"

"Yeah I do I let you down"

He put his hand up to stop her.

"I couldn't protect you"

They stood there both wanting to say something but knowing that both were hurting.

"Growler" she eventually managed to say

"Yes my little food monster"

"Let me make love to you, I need to feel you."

He nodded and they went upstairs.

After eating fire cooked steak.

He was sat snuggled against his food monster feeling reassured.

"Need more beer?"

"Yes please and some chocolate" he playfully growled

"Huh someone is hungry"

He laughed "You wore me out earlier"

"Oops" with a smile she brought him beer and chocolate which he began eating immediately

"Just gonna go get my sketch pad from the basement"

He nodded

But whilst she was gone to the basement he felt queasy all of a sudden

When she returned she found him at the sink

Sensing something was wrong she grabbed his phone

"Call Ducky" he croaked out before another wave of sickness came over him


"No its Ellie can you get over here I think Gibbs has been poisoned"

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 17, more to come with Growler and his Food Monster, thanks for reading

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