Chapter 5

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   A gentle tap on my shoulder makes me stir, wrinkling my nose at the idea of opening my eyes. "Isa," a gruff voice speaks and my eyes flutter, slowly opening them. The sight of the interior to a Lamborghini shocks me into a sitting position. My head turns to see Dawson sitting in the drivers seat, watching me calmly.

I blink, then blink again to rid of the hazy tiredness still coating my body. "Huh?" I mumble, yawning before stretching and pausing at the uncomfortable feeling of wet clothes. Once my vision clears, I look back over at Dawson to see his red eyes trailing me slowly.

"We're here." Dawson nods towards the window and my head turns in the direction. A relieved sigh leaves me when I can see my apartment from here. Finally I can get some rest in my bed. I unbuckle my seatbelt and go to step out, "Well, thank you for the ride—" but I freeze when I see him also getting out.

My brows furrow in confusion as he closes his door and grabs my purse from the Lamborghini, then walks over to me. My heels touch the concrete of the street and step out, standing to my full height in front of Dawson. He hands my purse to me and I gently take it, giving him a confused look. "I'll walk you to your door." He states, the keys in his hand jingling before the Lamborghini beeps saying that it's locked.

The cold wind continues to blow, the rain now slowed to a drizzle. My lips part, turning towards Dawson and grabbing his arm. He freezes, turning towards me, "You really, don't have to. Seriously...I can walk myself." I try to bargain but he doesn't budge.

I try to ignore the electrical shock that courses through my veins at the touch, or the way his muscles feel coiling underneath my hand. Or the way my heart pounds against my rib cage like a caged animal waiting to escape.

"I'm walking you Isa." He grits, his jaw clenched as his dark red eyes flash to my hand still grasping his upper arm. My mind turns again, making me yank my hand back from him like I had been burned, "My apologizes Dawson, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable—"

"Stop." He ground out through clenched teeth. My brows shoot up in surprise at his demand. But I fall silent. The rain drizzles down on us and I let out a quiet breath, my eyes staying trained on the building in front of me. It's a nice white building with black rimed windows, many windows are scattered about the building. There are fifteen different floors in this building, and luckily for me, I'm on the fifteenth floor. I get the best view of the city. The walkway to the building with large, heavy doors is nothing but usual. Just concrete slabs surrounded by more concrete. The building is pushed back away from the normally busy road but not by much, maybe three full slabs of concrete. There's an awning covering the door, green and gold colors scattered about the fabric.

We reach the door and I turn to Dawson, "Well, thank you—"

"I'm walking you to the door of your apartment." He states, crossing his arms across his chest and looking down at me. His words baffle me, and I'm sure by the look on my face he understands my shock. My tongue feels stuck, I can't get a word out. My throat tight.

"My Mom raised me right. Don't question." He states, sticking his large hand into his still wet dress pants pocket, he uses his other hand to open the door to the apartment building. I walk in, unable to protest against him. He has that effect on me, I can't argue with him very well.

   Normally I'm phenomenal at arguing and getting into peoples hair but with Dawson? I don't. Maybe because he's my boss.

   The second we step into the building I sigh, glancing around. The lobby is almost empty, the only person being Leroy, the one man that lives a few floors below me who always drinks and flirts with me. I've told him so many times that I have a boyfriend but he doesn't listen and sometimes even grabs my wrist. I always get out, but it's a little scary.

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