Chapter 13

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   "I'm glad you could all make it tonight." I speak into the now quiet meeting room. The men all look up towards me. Jeremey, the Blacksmith project leader sits in the chair opposite of me at the other end of the table. He may hold some power over his men but this is my company, my building, my meeting, and my voice. I am power. And they all know that. There are a total of twelve men sitting around the table with me. Two of which are a part of my team. Eric and Matthew. Matthew is a middle aged man who is the manager of building. Eric is a younger man who sees the rentals and other things are planned out. Matthew has light brown hair and brown eyes, dressed in the same pressed suit that he always wears. Eric has blonde hair and blue eyes, sitting up straight and attentive, eyes bright with excitement. He may be young but there is no one I trust more than Eric to make sure everything runs smoothly.

And then there are the ten men that make up the Blacksmith team. The leader, Jeremey and his men. Dave, Greg, Dexter, Ricky, Alexander, Brendan, Howard, Andrew, and Zack. They're all dressed in pressed suits, some wearing ties and some not. There's normally thirteen people in this meeting room, but the one seat to my left is empty. Isadora's seat.

   All of Jeremey's team notices this empty spot and looks over towards the empty seat where Isadora normally sits.

   "Where's the girl?" Jeremey, the Blacksmith manager speaks up. His workers all nod, turning their eyes to me and leaning back in their seats, awaiting my answer. My teeth grind together, my fingers curling into fists, but I clear my throat, staying deathly serious.

   "She's out on a date. With her boyfriend." My words are clipped short and the men around my meeting table groan.

   "She was hot."

   "Too bad she's taken."

   "I was going to ask her out,"

   "I bet she would've been good in my bed."

   Anger bites at me, flaring through me and I slam my fist down onto the table. The men jump as the sound echoes through the meeting room. My jaw is clenched tight. They all stare at me with slightly widened eyes. "Enough." I almost holler into the room, fuming with anger. They shouldn't even been thinking about my assistant.

   "You leave her out of this. Of your dirty mouths. And worthless brains. You hear?" The scowl on my face deepens, anger flaming in my blood. I glance over and Jack looks back at me with a look that makes me glare at him. He shrugs his shoulders and looks back down at the papers he has sitting in front of him on the table. Jack clears his throat and everyone looks over at him. He stands up and I sit down back into my cushiony chair, allowing him to take the floor for a few minutes.

"I have calculated the cost of the project, along with the project manager has estimated how long it will take to be started. We have measurements and room layouts." Jack states, a serious look running across his face.

He may be an annoying fucker, but when he's in the building and working, he's the best partner any business could ask for.

The men from Blacksmith perk up as his words and I lean back in my chair, my thoughts drifting to Isadora.

   She's going on a date with that prick again. What's the fuckers name again?


   Ryan. Right.

   He's cancelled on their dates for weeks now. Every time Isadora calls him, she gets voicemail. What kind of boyfriend ignores his girlfriend?

   A damn bad one.

   I wonder what she's wearing tonight. Something long, something short. Her hair up, her hair down. Makeup, or no makeup. Heels, no heels. Jewelry, no jewelry. I wonder where he's taking her.

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