Chapter 51

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   I'd be lying if I didn't say I was nervous. Nervous for my family to meet her. Nervous for how she would react. Nervous for how my mother would react to her. Nervous for everything.

   I've never brought a girl home.

When I told my mother I was going to be bringing a guest, she freaked out and started yelling for my dad while screeching with excitement.

And then Mason knew, and then the twins, and then my aunts, and then my cousins, and then Kingston's friends. It was a whole chain reaction.

Everyone was excited. "Dawson has never brought home a girl, it's a miracle!" That's what my brother Mason claimed, and the twins had agreed.

   They make it seem like such a big deal. And I don't disagree. Bringing a girl home was huge for me, even telling my parents about her, was a huge thing for me. And now, as she stands at my side, curled into me, hand on my chest, smiling as I take a sip of bourbon, listening the the relentless chatter of adults all around us, I know that I shouldn't have been so worried.

She's perfect. There isn't a single thing in this world that she has ever done that wasn't perfect. And now, she's laughing with my family as they tell her embarrassing stories about when I was little. Her eyes are so bright and happy that I could never even imagine asking my family to stop, even as embarrassment floods my face.

"One time, when he was super young, he was so excited to go with his father to the race track, he ran straight into the glass of our sliding glass door!" My mother exclaims, and my neck flushes as I look down at Isadora again, enjoying the way she throws her head back and laughs like there is no care in the world. With her arms wrapped around me, there isn't a single care in my world. She's in my arms, with my family, in my family home. There is nothing about this moment that I would change...except for the stories maybe.

Isadora pats my chest, smoothing my shirt down underneath it, giggling up at me, her white teeth sparkling in the sun, the laugh crinkling the corner of her eyes, making her even more attractive than before. "I'm sure that hurt, baby," she laughs at her words and a small chuckle leaves me as I recall the rattling I received from going headfirst into the glass, that jarred the teeth in my head, "I had a headache for days and I huge goose egg on my head. It hurt like hell." Isadora grins, pushing up onto her toes to steal a quick kiss that makes me only crave the taste of her lips more. She tastes of sweet laughter, and a little bit of my bourbon.

It's addicting.

When I dip my head down for another one, she placed a quick peck on my lips, only giving me a fraction of what I want, before going back to a muffled conversation with my mother.

My focus is solemnly focused on her now. My lips buzzing for hers. Needing the feel of the addicting flesh on mine. The conversations drown out around me and I almost forget about the glass of bourbon in my hand. With the burning need to touch her skin, I slide my hand up her shirt, gripping at the skin that seems so cold for someone who looks so cozy and warm. That draws those beautiful arctic eyes back to me, a hint of surprise glimmering beneath the surface. But then she puckers her lips at me again and I plant a large smooch to her lips, running my tongue along the seam of her lips, enjoying the warmth that floods my veins and the feeling of my heartbeat increasing. She shudders softly against me before pulling away and looking up at me, mischievously biting her lip, teasing me with her eyes and actions before running a hand down my chest and then up my shirt again.

Maybe it's the small buzz from the alcohol starting to kick in, but suddenly, I'm hot, almost light on my feet as she touches me, smiling as my breath staggers in my chest.

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