Chapter 22

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   My eyes drift open to only be met with a dark room. A yawn stretches across my face before I bury my head back into the warm pillo—This is not a pillow. My body sings with shock as I yank away from whatever I had been sleeping on. The mattress sinks beneath me as I scramble backwards towards the edge of the bed. My eyes slowly start to adjust to the lighting and I stare wide eyed at a shirtless, sleeping Dawson.

    My body goes from tense to relaxed in seconds at the sight of him. The automatic reaction I have around him. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. His body not tense and stiff. He's relaxed, his body stretched out across the queen bed that isn't long enough for his tall body. His feet hang off the end of the bed as his right arm is extended out on the right side of the bed, almost beckoning me to crawl back into his side. His hair is splayed across his forehead, eyes closed softly. A content look rests on Dawson's face as he sleeps soundly. The moon shines in through the window, casting shadows across his chiseled features. Nothing about him is imperfect. He was made by god himself. He has to be. His bare chest is on display for my eyes, his lower half covered by loose sweats.

I swallow, allowing my eyes to soak up the image of him like this. He's just so perfect. Godly like. How can someone be as beautiful as him?

His head is tipped back against the pillows, revealing his thick neck and Adam's apple. His sharp jawline fits with his body well. His broad shoulders resting flat on the mattress and his bulging biceps. His right arm is hung over his stomach, his chest rising and falling at a steady pace. His well-built chest and abs are brightened by the moons rays. As my eyes continue lower, my thoughts grow darker the closer my eyes get to the waistband of his sweatpants.

Fuck! Isadora! Stop it!

Who knew someone's v-line could be so fucking attractive?

A soft groan leaves Dawson and my eyes jump back up to his face. His eyes remain closed, his head tilted towards me. It's almost like he knows I'm here beside him, even in his sleep. My heart raced at the thought and I quickly stamp it down with the thoughts of Ryan. We haven't messaged or called once since I've been here.

A shiver runs through me as the air conditioner hums to life. Why is the air so cold? Why do I get so cold?

If we aren't under the covers does that count as sleeping together? Technically I fell asleep against him and he fell asleep against me. That's not...inappropriate. Right?

For a girl who has a boyfriend and the man who tells the girl what to do.

No. No. It's still cheating. I can't do this. I...I'm not a cheater. I'll never be one either. Falling asleep next to Dawson was just because I was tired from a long day at work. That's all this is.

It's not like I have feelings for him anyway. I can't. He's my boss. I'm his assistant. There is nothing complicated there. Boss and employee. That's all. Nothing more and nothing less.

But somehow my body feels pulled towards his. His skin so warm to touch. His voice so calming. His eyes so captivating. His touch so gentle.

Before I know it, my body is moving on its own. Towards Dawson once more. The heat that radiates from his body sings a song that mine wants to return. My cheek rests against his chest and I curl my body into his side, my palm sliding across the planes of his stomach. Dawson's arm curls up and around my waist, like he was expecting me. Instantly, my body melts. Into his touch, his hold. Everything about him is so comforting and warm. His scent, all the way down to how he speaks to me. It still shocks me that he doesn't have a significant other. A man this perfect shouldn't be on the market for this long.

I'm off the market. Everything in my head is messed up. I can't think straight. My emotions are all over. My nerves shot.

He makes me question my romantic relationship. That's a problem. I shouldn't even be thinking twice about Ryan. Ryan has showed me nothing but love and understanding. Why would I ever try to ruin that?

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