Chapter 3

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   A groan leaves me. It's been hours and I still am only through maybe half of the pile. I'll be here all night! How can someone shove this much work into his new employee's hands and say it's due by tonight?

   Dawson Grey. My boss.

   That's who.

   Everything around me is quiet. No one has come for coffee in a while, which allows me to concentrate on the paper work more. The air around me is calm, the sound of horns honking and people yelling outside the building. I wish this building was sound proof, not to tell a lie. My desk is now a cluttered mess and I can't seem to find my hair tie that I brought for times my hair got in the way and I got annoyed. But, what can I do? I'll get through it. After all, it's only Monday. Maybe tomorrow will go smoother?

   Another sigh leaves me before looking back down at the thick stack of paper work on my desk in front of me. The pen that was left in my new office for me ran out of ink.

That's how much paperwork I've been doing.

My eyes are tired of reading, sore even. Dry. But I have a lot...a lot more to go before I can go home. It's definitely quieter there. With less paper work. Speaking of home, what time is it?

   I check my watch, the time reading 1:56pm.

   Shit! Shit shit shit!

The meeting!

It's at two and if I don't get my stuff together I'll be late. I can't be late. Mr. Grey himself said he can't stand people who are late.

I leap out of my chair, reaching down and yanking on my heels, buttoning my shirt all the way back up and snatching my blazer off my office chair.

The fabric wrinkles slightly as I yank it on, grabbing my black notepad and pencil, messing with my hair slightly before making my way around my small desk and out the small glass door of my office.

The light on the elevator turns white once I've pressed it, tapping my foot impatiently as I wait for the large gold doors to pull apart. Once they do, someone is already standing in the elevator. He's got sandy blonde hair and deep brown eyes. He spots me and offers me a large cheesy grin. A smile spreads across my lips in return and I step inside, stepping away from the seemingly nice gentleman in a suit. He has medium long sandy blonde hair, the clean suit that he has on shapes his build nicely. But he's no where near the stone cold, frozen hearted Dawson Grey. He's smiling softly, showing much more emotion than Mr. Grey ever does. "What floor?" He asks, his voice reminding me of Vanessa. He's got energy and must be out there. His voice is soft and kind, the look in his eyes bright and wondering. He's like a golden retriever. If this guy had a tail it would be never ending wagging.

My grip on my notepad tightens, glancing at my watch, "7th floor please."

"The meeting?" He quips and my head turns to look at him. I nod and he grins at me again "You must be Dawn's new assistant!" He exclaims and automaticity confusion hits me like a train.

   "Dawn?" I blurt and the blonde guy in the elevator with me chuckles before nodding.

   "I call Dawson that. It pisses him off. But it's totally worth it." He states, sticking his hands into his pockets and turning from me to watch the floor numbers tick away.

   My head bobs in a nod, a small 'Ah' falling past my lips.

   Who is this guy?

   "I'm Jack Hall, by the way. One of Dawson's closest business partners."

   Well, that answers that question.

   My head turns to look at Jack, and he's already looking at me with a friendly smile and gleam in his eyes. "Isadora Davis. Mr. Grey's new assistant. Which you've already guessed." He nods at me, his deep brown eyes still alight with energy.

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