Chapter 21

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   Am I jealous?

   Is this what jealousy feels like?

She kissed their cheeks. And they kissed hers. That—They shouldn't be aloud to do that. If I can't do it neither should they. I'll make that known. She was smiling and giggling. She giggled with them. Why won't she giggle with me?

I slow the Ferrari to a stop at a red light and my eyes drift over towards Isadora. She's sitting in the passengers seat, her eyes staring out the windows as she examines the bright city. The bright lights illuminate her skin along with her eyes that sparkle with all the hues shinning in those ice blue eyes. Her lips glimmer in the shine casted by the lights as we sit there. I want to kiss her so badly. With her innocent eyes and long black eyelashes, plush lips, and soft hair.

She is the definition of beauty. The way she smiles and the way her cheeks heat with embarrassment. The way she walks and how she doesn't let people boss her around too much. She's an independent woman. But she has no man that will help her be who she is. She has a boy. A dumb, idiotic boy, who doesn't know the gift he has been given.

If I had her love and affection I would never leave my apartment as long as she was in it. If she is there, I'd be there. As her boyfriend, he should cherish what he has, but instead he plays with her. Like a toy.

She is not a girl. She's a woman. Isadora deserves to be treated like one. The beautiful, independent, independent woman she is.

Fuck. If only she were mine.

She would be treated like the queen she is. No cancelling dates. I'd make them. No walking home. I'd drive her. No making food. I'd make it for her.

I can't help the way my heart sings when she's near. I can't help the way the blood in my veins pulses with her scent. Everything about her is captivating. She has me in a trap I don't want to get out of. She has me held in the palm of her hand and I don't want her to let go. But my blood isn't the only thing that pulses when she's near. My damn dick won't calm the fuck down. I can't be near her for more than five minutes without getting painfully hard. Just the scent of her shea butter and coconut shampoo and I'm leaping out of my own damn skin.

I just want her lips on mine. I want to feel her skin against mine. I want what I can't have. She's taken. Happily. For some reason. And I will not break that if it makes her happy.

No matter how big my heart swells at the sound of her laughter.

Last night when she asked me to sleep with her? I nearly lost control. She was so perfect, cradled in my arms with her head in my neck. In my shirt? Fuck me. Carrying her to the couch without stopping to throw her on the bed and go down on her until we're both exhausted was extremely difficult. Her thighs tease me. And when she wiped the pizza sauce of the corner of my mouth and licked her hand? I was a goner. Her lips were so tempting. The thought of pressing mine to hers yanked at my insides as she let me drag her plump bottom lip out. But the feeling of her in my arms, on the couch, was unlike any other feeling I'd ever had. She cuddled into my body as I struggled to stay on the couch. She let me hold her tight. She buried her face in my chest and clung to me while she slept peacefully. Her leg tossed over my hip and arms tucked against my chest. What I would give to have that again.

   I wanted to take her to bed with me. So she didn't have to sleep on the couch. But I know Isadora. She would've woken up and started freaking out. So the couch is what I settled for in the end. I slept with her in my arms for half the night.

   I'd never slept better. I woke up in the middle of the night with her pushed up against the back of the couch, my body cradling hers. Our legs were tangled and her hair was messy. Her lips parted on soft breaths. But she still had that sleepy smile on her face and I couldn't help it. I hugged her closer, tucked my face into her neck. I pressed myself against her, tugging the blanket over my body. Before I could even fathom what I had done. I slept with her. In my arms. I woke up at 5:13am. She was still sleeping soundly in my arms. I laid there awake for god knows how long until I realized that she would probably want coffee and breakfast when she woke up. It was difficult. Trying to untangle my body from hers without waking her. But I had managed.

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