Chapter 53

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   The wind is cold as it touches my bare face, the trees rustling in the wind as the girls hurry past us, chattering and laughing at whatever it is that they're talking about. The sun is still rising, the birds awake and singing their usual songs. It's so perfect, so peaceful.

   Feeling the breeze on my face, the sun on my skin, able to see the sky; almost difficult to think about going back to the city. The quiet of the neighborhood, the barbecues, the family all together.

   I'd never thought I'd ever find myself thinking about marriage, love, even dating. But here I stand, my brothers all around me, the girls in front of me, kids playing in the house, dogs barking, and all I can think about is settling down for good.

   A sure hand slaps my shoulder, making me turn to see my Papà standing there, hard set eyes, sure face, strong stance. Our eyes meet and whatever he sees, makes him nod, his fingers tightening on my shoulder.

   "I'm proud of you, son." He says, holding my eyes firm, the words that I've always wanted to hear from him, finally said. He's always been proud. Always. But he's never spoken the words. Never acknowledged the achievements out loud.

   It's silent approval. Always work in silence. But that's all I've ever searched for from him. His approval in my choices.

   My eyes coast back over the scene in front of me, finding Isadora's form, and I can't help but smile, "Thanks Papà,"

   He smiles back at me, patting my back before standing next to me, staring down at Mamma as she and Amara, along with my girl, talk about something, the way they all laugh making my heart feel so fulfilled it almost chokes me up.

   There's a long silence between us, Mason and Kingston, Liam and Drake, all of them standing around the cars, waiting for the time to head out.

   Then Papà clears his throat.

   "Daws, you look at that girl the way that I look at your mother. I have never seen you look at someone with so much love and respect, and that, as a father, is the proudest thing I can feel." I turn to look at my father, the man who raised me and my brothers with so much love and trust and respect that there is no room between us. If he weren't my father, I'd want him as my friend. He's been my mentor my whole life, and now he's admitting to his pleasure of fatherhood. The tough boy facade slowly starts to crumble, my chin wavering slightly as he smiles at me, "I love you, Daws, and so does she. I've never seen you more happy."

   I look over at her, the way the sun shines down on her like she's the one calling the shots on the sun rays. The way she smiles at something my mother said, the crinkles at the corner of her eyes as she laughs. Covered in my clothes sends a shiver of approval through me, my spine tightening with the fact that I'm able to touch her, feel her, kiss her, hold her heart in mine.

   With a breath of fresh air, I look over at my Papà before looking back over at my Isa. "I've never been so in love, Papà. She makes me so happy," he smiles at me, those brown eyes I've memorized of the man that fears no one, the man that will kill for his family, stares at his wife.

   "Your Mamma and me, we didn't have a smooth start. When I first started the security team, and federal soldiers, I did some things I regret. When I met your mother, it was like a pause on my world and a glimpse into what I could have with her, a family. A house. A steady life where I didn't fear my every turn," he sighs, smiling softly as Mamma claps her hands, tossing her hair over her shoulder. I nod at my father so he would continue, "And before I was able to stop the reckless things I had done, it was too late."

   I suck in a harsh breath, turning to look over at my family. At what has pulled me through hell and back just because they love me. Love everything about me. Not because they have to, but because they could.

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