Chapter 17

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   Dawson pulls open the door to the hotel for me, allowing me to walk through with my suitcase before he follows after me.

   We made it to the hotel with perfect timing. We won't have to wait for our rooms once we get checked in. It's a beautiful hotel, too. Walking in, the air conditioner instantly cools me down, my eyes trail across the lobby. It's huge. This hotel has to be at least ten stories high. The floors are made with expensive marble, gold accents all around me. The ceilings are high rise, painted white with gold strips going across the ceiling in the most intricate design. A large gold chandelier hangs from the middle of the high rise ceiling, the lights bright and shining down on the lobby below. The grout between the marble flooring is gold too, the furniture over to the right of the lobby decorated with white leather furniture with gold embedding, a large glass coffee table and fireplace near that living room looking lobby. To the left upon entrance of the hotel is a large check in desk. Three employees sit behind the desk, each at their own computers as they help people with calm manners. Looking farther back into the hotel entrance there are a line of four elevators lined up along the opposite wall of the doors. People are walking all around, some pulling suitcases, some sitting in the lobby, some just standing around and chatting with others.

"Here, give me your suitcase," Dawson offers his free hand towards me but I shake my head and he sighs, "I can pull my own suitcase."

Annoyance crosses his face before disappearing as quickly as it had come. He walks towards the desk and I follow him without a word. One of the employees spots Dawson and the man stands up from the chair he was in. He clears his throat and Dawson looks over at him, "I can take you sir." The man states.

   Dawson nods and rolls his suitcase over to the far right of the desk where the older looking man sat back down in front of a computer. My suitcase rolls across the marble quietly as I follow Dawson's lead up to the main desk. He stops in front of the desk and looks down at the man, "Grey." Is all he says.

The guy nods and starts typing away on the laptop before grabbing two key cards in a white paper folder and handing them over to Dawson. Dawson takes them from his hand with a blank expression. "I'm expecting you know—"

"Yes." Dawson interrupts him and the man shuts his mouth with a nod.

"You're all set. Have a good stay sir." The man dismissed with a cute smile. Dawson nods and turns towards the elevators, his suitcase rolling after him as he takes long strides to the elevators. I hurry after him, trying to stay off the blisters forming on my feet from my heels.

   By the time I reach Dawson, he's already standing in the elevator with his suitcase at his side, watching me. He holds the doors open for me as I slip inside. "Thanks," I mutter, pulling my suitcase close to my side.

   The heat of his stare bores into my head. "Are you okay?" His gruff voice asks out of the blue. My eyes startle over to his, "Um, what?"

   Our eyes meet and his hold a hint of concern. "You're walking off. Did you twist your ankle?"

   Surprise corses through me. How did he notice? Heat flushes my neck as I look away from him and down at my heels, "No, just blisters from my heels," he grunts and then silence falls over us again.

I bite my lip, my eyes trailing along the large elevator. It's just as fancy as the lobby. The walls are made with what seems to be like illuminating white plexiglass, the floors made of the same beautiful marble. Gold strips line the corners that glow with the light.

The question that's gnawing on my mind finally leaves my mouth, "Did they only give you a key for each room?"

He looks down at me, his deep red eyes trailing the length of my body slowly. "We only have one room." He says and the only thing I can do is tense.

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