Chapter 35

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My mind is racing. Unable to focus on the blueprints I should be sketching out. My face in my hands as my heart pounds an angry beat.

She has a date.

Fuck. Why didn't I ask her on one? God. I should've asked her two days ago. When we were in her apartment. I should've asked her to go out with me then.

I was too late.

Jealousy swirls in my chest and my teeth grind together. She can't go. She can't. No. My heart can't take that. But the guilty feeling of forcing those papers on her weighs at my mind.

I just couldn't let the woman I love go. I can't. I'm selfish. I need her. She's mine.

She's not his. She's mine.

   He can't have her.

   I'm a selfish man. I get what I want.

   He doesn't get her. The thought of her with someone else draws anger from the deepest part of me. It thumps wildly in my ears, swirling in my blood. Giving her those papers was the only way I could think of making her stay late. I had to. She can't go.

   Anger flares through my senses and I grip my hair tightly. Gritting my teeth and staring down at the blueprints in front of me. Does she truly not feel this? Does she not feel the pull between us?

   I pinch my eyes closed, "No," I hiss into the silence of my office, my fingers dig into my scalp, pain drawing a breath from my lungs. She has to. She has to feel this.

   The door to my office gets slammed open and my body jerks me into sitting upright. My eyes land on a livid Isadora. She standing in the doorway to my office. She's pissed. Her eyes hard as she glares at me, the thick folder of papers I gave her clamped tightly in her hand. That black skirt of hers is doing things to my thoughts. Things I shouldn't be thinking. And that silky looking top, the darkest red I've ever seen. It pops on her tan skin, the lipstick she has on matching the color almost perfectly. The Smokey black eye makeup she has on makes her flaming ice blue eyes stand out. Her eyebrows are drawn down, her jaw set and body radiating with anger. "Do you even know what you did!?" Isadora shouts, glaring at me with those flaming eyes. I grit my jaw and lock my shoulders as she storms up to my desk and slams the folder full of paper down onto my desk.

   Her movements are jerky and full of anger. I've never seen her this angry. I push up out of my office chair and grip the folder in my hands. It kept her here. That's all that matters.

   Her tone bites at my heart but I shove it away and slam my hand down on the desk, throwing the folder away on my desk, "I needed those done." My words come out a sharp hiss, anger and that damn jealousy molding to the words. It's powerful. This feeling inside me. Forcing me forward to meet her icy stare. Challenge her. Jealousy. I've never been jealous. Not until she came along.

   She doesn't even flinch at my motion, her nostrils flared in anger. "You're an asshole! I completely missed my date because of you!" She hisses, bending over the wood of my desk and shoving a finger into my chest. Her chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. My chest loosens. Thank fuck.

   But the anger still swirls in my blood at the thought of her actually going. What would that asshole have done? He could've done anything. "I needed the papers done." My tone is steel but she doesn't budge, a muscle in her neck twitching. She's angry. At me. "No! You liar!" She shouts at me. I narrow my eyes at her and her eyes challenge mine. The blue in her eyes as hard as ice. Shutting me out. She doesn't get to do this to my heart. I stand so abruptly that my chair flies backwards, coming in contact with the windows with a loud thunk. Grinding my teeth, I round my desk with sharp strides and are soon enough standing in front of her, meeting her sharp glare with my own.

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