Chapter 41

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I dig for my keys with my free hand, my arm starting to go numb from the amount of bags stacked on my forearm. When the cool metal brushes my fingertips, I snag it and pull it out from my pocket before glancing back at Isadora. She's smiling so sweetly at the little demon curled up in her jacket, purring loudly as she strokes his little devilish head with her pointer finger. He may be a little bigger than my hand but those things have teeth and claws and will take all the attention from me.

My girlfriend won't pay attention to me anymore. The thought makes me frown, but seeing her smile as she cradles the little creature to her chest makes me want to smile. Expect for that thing.

I can't believe I even let her go into that store. I should've just grabbed her hand and pulled her along. But no. I had to cave with that little "Please baby?" And buy her the damn kitten.

I should probably just hang up my hope-to-get-attention coat. Because that little thing is going to take it all from me.

With a sigh, I turn back to the door and insert my keys before turning them with a quick click and shoving the door open. Isadora walks by as I step back to let her into my apartment first, enjoying the scent of her shea butter and coconut body wash. She has all the things she needs at my place now. She had the security pass and a set of keys. She sends me a smile and my heart skips a quick beat. "Thank you," the grin on her face. I will never be able to say no to that. Not now. Not ever.

The bags fall to the floor with a thunk and I send the small fluffy beast in her arms another glare before looking up at her, "He better not steal all my attention." The words come out on an annoyed grumble. Isadora's eyes instantly soften, the deep ice blue melting away to the eyes of the woman I fell in love with. The one with caring, bright eyes.

"He could never take my attention from you. Is that what you're so worried about?" She takes a step forward and runs her free hand along my upper arm, her touch bringing a trail of goosebumps in its wake. With my head hung low, I nod, ashamed of myself for being so greedy over her attention. She giggles softly and my ears are lucky enough to be blessed with the sound of her happiness.

   "You're my boyfriend," she murmurs, her soft lips kissing my cheek, "I could never give that attention to someone or something else."

   My eyes fall to the kitten beneath the fabric of her jacket. "That little monster gets to be in your clothes but I can't?" Isadora just smiles at me, so soft and loving that it makes me want to melt into a puddle on the floor.

   "Well, why don't we let the little guy get settled and then we can watch the news. Does that sound alright?" Her hand slides along my jaw and my body gives into her touch, leaning in, seeking more.

   More. More. More. I always need more attention and touches from her. My beautiful girl. My girlfriend. "Mhmm." Isadora kisses me this time. Soft. Warm. Comforting.

   Her lips taste sweet. Like the best cookie just out of the oven. Or a warm cinnamon roll. Something comforting. Something that makes you sigh and feel warm. Warm enough to relax and enjoy. Her kisses are addicting. Just as her touch.

   Isadora is addicting.

I just watch as she pulls back and unwraps the kitten from within her jacket, pulling the little demon out and setting him down onto the flooring. The little thing meows, blinking up at Isadora with wide red-pink eyes. Isadora smiles, so motherly my heart does a double take and the idea of kids has never been so good. The way she looks so caring, like nothing else in the world in more important the little white kitten flopping around on the slippery flooring of my apartment.

   "I'm naming him Snowball." She declares, looking up at me with bright blue eyes and a grin that makes it hard to say no. With a sigh, I nod and she jumps up, hurrying over to bags of things I bought for her today. Everything that I bought her is staying here. If she wants it, she has to come to my apartment to get it. That way I'll always see her whenever she needs something. She starts grabbing out the cat platforms she insited on buying since I looked at those ugly cat towers and told her flat out no. "Baby," she pauses, looking up at me with the shining in her eyes. She's so adorable. "Why don't we put the shelves up after we snuggle? I want some cuddles right now."

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