Chapter 4

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Freya's POV

"I told you in the car before", Lyra exclaimed.

"What is that supposed to mean? You haven't even proposed to me yet, and I don't know you." I confused.

"Well, the reason why I'm bringing you here is to talk about that. I know this may sound unreal, but please hear me out. About a month ago, I daydreamed about this girl almost daily. We dated in that dream. That girl also promised to marry me, and if she ever forgot about me, she wanted me to keep pursuing her until she's mine. Surprisingly, this girl looks exactly like you but more beautiful. I never even met you, but I saw you in my dream. Didn't that tell me that heaven sent you to make my life happy?" She added, full of hope.

"First, a dream does not predict your future and come true in real life. You shouldn't trust your imagination because that is just a hallucination created by your imaginary thoughts." I replied

"But how can I create your face in my dream when I haven't even met you in my life." She frustrated.

"Well, maybe it's a deja vu or simply a coincidence. Perhaps we have met before, or you see someone with the same face as mine. So don't take it seriously." I convinced her.

Then suddenly, she changed her demeanour and said I should go home. Did I do something wrong? Is she going to fire me even though it's only my first day? What should I do? 

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Lyra, but I don't know what to say or feel about this," I replied.

"Yeah, I know you can't comprehend this situation, but so am I. Maybe you should go home and pretend that this conversation never happened." She uttered.

"Well, okay... but am I still up for the job since I'm technically no longer your fiance?" I terrified.

"Yes, Freya..." She said boringly.

Fuh, that settles my worries, but why do I feel guilty for saying those words to Lyra. What kind of dilemma is this? It's only day 1, and I already feel like a failure. So, I went home, and she didn't say goodbye. She is pissed. 

"How am I going to handle her at work later? Uggh!!" I frustrated.

Day 2 working at Lyra's company

Let's just get over this day and get to know my colleagues. Last but not least, try not to get on Lyra's bad side. I arrived at the company, and Selena soon greeted me, a pharmacist next to my lab. She led me to join my other colleagues and talk about life. This guy called John kept whistling upon my arrival, making me uncomfortable. I know his intention, and I just ignored him because I'm not into guys. 

In the meantime, they told me to be prepared to attend the weekly meeting one of my colleagues led. Selena then explained the concept of the meeting on how everyone would have their turn to present about anything to widen our knowledge. "Well, that's interesting... No wonder this company is one of the biggest since their people are knowledgeable." I thought to myself.

While concentrating on the presentation, I saw all the employees and realized that Lyra was not there. Ohh, wait, here she is. Woah, she's late, but I guess that didn't matter since she's the boss.

After the presentation, everyone does a little QnA with the presenter. Then Lyra starts speaking harshly in front of everyone. "What kind of question is that? You are not kindergarten, are you? And the one who presents, what's your name?"

"My name is John, ma'am." He unconfidently speaks.

"Well, John, your presentation sucks, so please improve your bad production when it's your turn again, do you understand?" Lyra irritated.

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