Chapter 13

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Freya's POV

What was that about? Did she not like me anymore? Or does she wants to play with my feelings and is afraid of wanting a long-term commitment? If that's the reason, I will have a mental breakdown. I like her, I mean hell, I even fall in love with her! I can't think of any reason for her behaving this way. I think of countless reasons she became like this, all of which are not good excuses.

Maybe I should have followed my dad's advice and married this girl. In the meantime, I can feel a tear lingering on my cheeks. I don't know what to feel anymore? Soon I fall asleep feeling tired from my crying mess.

Next day

In the morning, Lyra called me twice, and I just stared at my phone without answering her. I am still angry at her and don't want to hurt myself anymore. But I didn't know that love could hurt me like this.

"Ugh, how will I ignore her later in the office? She's my boss, for god sake..." I frustrated.

After 10 minutes in the office, Lyra's secretary called me and said her boss wanted to see me. She added, telling me it was urgent. I have no choice but to see her cause I don't want her secretary to be suspicious of me.

Before I go into her office, I tell myself to be strong and go in. She's waiting for me in front of her desk with a poker face. Then she went near me and pissed at me when she told me not to befriend Selena cause she saw me talking to Selena just now.

So I defended myself by informing her not to care about myself cause she doesn't even like me. But then she backed up, saying she liked me but told me to follow my father's advice to marry Olivia. But I already gave my answer, but she still wants me to accept the engagement.

"For god's sake, Lyra, I want you, and I choose you. Haven't I made myself clear?" I was perplexed and sobbed because of how ridiculous this was.

"Why can't you accept the fact that I want you... If you don't want me, tell me straight to my face and don't play with my feelings," I felt betrayed and ran away from her office. But right then, I felt her arm grabbing my hands, not letting me out of her room.

"Please, don't leave me, baby. I am sorry for behaving like this, okay. I didn't mean to make you sad and cry. I wanted to surprise you with something, but I didn't know you would react this way. If I know you will act like this, I will tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you something, but promise me you will hear me until the end," She was nervous.

"What truth? So my guess is right then. You didn't love-" Freya stopped me and told me I was very wrong about her feelings for me. Then, I didn't expect her to say the L-word this soon.

"I love you, Freya and always will. I love you so much, and please remember that." She cried one's heart out and hugged me.  

I whispered to her to give me the reason for not wanting to be my girlfriend, but she replied that she didn't want me to be just her girlfriend and asked me to be her wife.

I was shocked when I heard Lyra's confession, but at the same time, my heart was fluttering because Lyra wanted me to be more than just a girlfriend, but there's one thing I'm still curious about my father's choice.

"But what about my arranged engagement with Olivia?" I concerned.

"Ohh, you mean me," Lyra said while smirking.

"Babe, I'm serious. My father said if I don't marry the girl of his choice, I will be forced to leave your company and become the CEO of my father's company. I don't want that, but if I marry you, I guess it'll leave me with no choice," I troubled.

"Freya... Let me make this clear cause I can tell you still don't get what I said. Your father's choice is me," She looked at me innocently.

"You are kidding, right, or do you just want to calm me down?" I asked.

"No, Freya. I'm not kidding. Your father and my father were having a meeting about our engagement last week without us knowing. Before that, they didn't know we were in a relationship right after the meeting. My father told me about the arranged marriage. At first, I blindly rejected the offer to marry someone I didn't know. Well, not until you told me the story of how your father set an engagement with certain someone (pointing at me)," She explained while laughing.

Now I'm mad. So for all this time, Lyra was playing with me because she knew how it would turn out. "Damn, I will make you beg Lyra because you hurt my feelings, and I will get revenge for myself," I said to myself.

"You know what? Screw you, Lyra! I'm not going to marry you. It's too soon for me, and I think I need time to rethink about us," I tricked her.

"You what?! Are you kidding, cupcakes? I was joking, and I said sorry already. Please don't be like this, Freya," She begged me.

"Ly, you hurt my feelings and my heart is not made to be broken. I need some space," I responded.

"Baby, please give me another chance to make this right. You know what? I will start from the bottom. I will become your girlfriend. Please, Freya..." She wept.

I said sorry to her and left the room. After all this time, she knew she would marry me and kept that a secret. Hahaha! You will beg for me to become your fiance. I think I will play a game with her so that she does not have it easy to play with me. And since she played with my heart, I know what I will do, and I'm going to make her jealous. Oh, wait, maybe I should have someone to be my partner in crime, and I know who the best candidate is.

You guess right! Its Selena. I will make Lyra crave for me even more until she can't live without me and start worshipping me.

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