Chapter 23

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Lyra's POV 

In her dream

Why is everything white? What happened here, and why is Freya with me? I tried to call her name, but she couldn't hear me. I come closer to her to see what's going on here. I know that Tasha shot me just now, but why don't I have any wound present on my chest? I looked spotless with no injuries. 

Am I dead already? But why is Freya here? She can't die just yet. I keep stressing her to go away from here cause she's not supposed to be here. She has a bright future to look at, and then there is me, who is already dead. As much as I want her to be by my side, she must stay alive and happy. She deserves a second chance. But instead, Freya grasped firmly onto my hands, and we ran together and left this unknown place. 


Gradually, I opened my heavy eyes and looked up onto a bright white ceiling. Sitting next to me was my father, and he was surprised to see me waking up and immediately called the doctor to check me up. I still feel confused as to what I experienced a moment ago. 

"What happened, dad? Where is Freya?" I panicked. 

"I don't know how to say this to you, Ly, but she still hasn't woken up," David explained carefully.

"What happened to her, dad!? She's okay, right? Tell me she's okay!" I cried. 

My dad continued notifying me about her car accident. At that moment, I felt lifeless. I cried my heart out and had the urge to want to see her. But my father wouldn't allow me to meet her until I was stable enough. I couldn't take it anymore and forced myself out of the room and find Freya. 

Later, I saw her unconscious on her bed, and I could see her frail and pale appearance, showing me that she had been suffering a lot because of me. I felt guilty to even look at her, and it's my fault that she's here. I am crying even more. My dad and her father consoled me, telling me it was no one's fault. We just happened to be involved in these bad situations. 


Thankfully, I recovered well, so now I can be by her side. I have to wait for Freya to wake up and live like we're used to without anyone trying to ruin us. I am glad that Tasha is not here anymore, and we will have no fear of living anymore.  

The next day came by, and I still spent my time next to Freya until I dozed off. Not until I could feel my hands move by themselves or someone touched them. When I saw her sparkling eyes open up, I immediately called off the doctor and our fathers. She woke up now, and Freya was bewildered as everyone petrified her.

Then, her eyes drifted to my area and asked who I was. She's got to be kidding me that she couldn't remember me. Her father and I gathered with the doctor at that time to discuss Freya's situation.

"What is going on, doc?" I went out of the room and asked the doctor about what had happened. He said that Freya might have a short-term memory loss where she forgets the recent things that happened to her. That must be why she only remembers her father but doesn't recognise me since I only met her a few months ago. 

Suddenly, this woman was rushing into Freya's room, and I recognised her from the picture Tasha gave me. She's Freya's best friend. "What are you doing here!" I was angered, but Freya saw me yelling at Claire. Instantly, she told Claire to go inside her room now. 

"Oh my god! She forgot about me, but she still remembers her? Why did this happen to me when I woke up? Just why? I shouldn't have woken up." I told myself.

"Father, what should I do?" I alarmed.

"Give her some time, okay? We will figure it out together." My father advised.

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