Chapter 26

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⚠️!Warning for any sorts of assaults/harassment!⚠️

Freya's POV

After I got back from Lyra's house, my body felt heated as I worked up myself because of her. Simultaneously, I felt relieved that she didn't give up on me despite trying to avoid me. Although my brain couldn't fathom anything about her, the desire to keep wanting her is hard to forget. No matter how hard my brain has failed me to try to forget Lyra, she always comes back to my thoughts and makes me remember all the little things.

If I want to accept her entirely, I need to forget my comfort and start making an effort to remember her. I just don't know how to do that. In order to do that, I need Lyra to help me out. But, she has no interest in making me remember our memories since she doesn't want me to have the same painful headache episode.

"There has to be someone that could help me, someone who knows about our relationship," I told myself.

So, I searched through my phone contact and encountered someone named Selena (Friend). I didn't recall having her as my friend. Hmmm.... maybe she's my new friend. Therefore, I tried to contact her number and called her.

"Hey, Freya! It's been a while since I last heard from you. I missed you so much!" She exclaimed.

"Oh...Hye! Do you know me?" I bewildered.

"Of course, I know you! You are my favourite person!" She stated.

"Ahh, really? So Uhm, I have to talk to you about something. Do you mind if we meet?" I requested.

"I am more than glad to do that! Is your place okay?" She responded actively.

"Fine by me, see you later!"I uttered.

Hopefully, she's the right person to talk to about my situation. As the minutes passed, I heard my doorbell chime, and I opened the door to see a girl who looked the same age as me.

"Hello, Selena!" I greeted.

"Hye, Freya! I miss you." She hastily hugged me.

I was taken aback by her action and reciprocated as I am guessing I am closed with her. I offered her to sit with me and have a talk. So I told her about what I've been doing lately and about the incidents. She was shocked to hear that and hugged me once more.

I don't know why I feel awkward and uncomfortable whenever she embraces me. Is she really my friend?

So I asked her what she was to me, and she replied, "I am not just a friend to you. In fact, we were actually in love before Lyra destroyed us."

"Wait, what! I don't understand. I thought she was my girlfriend." I sound confused.

"Yeah, she's trying to take you away from me. But I'm glad that you reach out to me before her. Your heart must've recognised the deep feelings I have for you!" She told me and held my hands.

"Are you telling the truth, Selena?" I was wary.

"Of course I am. But enough with Lyra. I hate her. She's the evil here," She declared.

"Ah, I see.... So what do you want to talk about?" I said awkwardly.

"Kiss me! It's been way too long since I kissed you." She instructed.

"I am sorry, Selena, but I am not comfortable doing it with you when I can't even remember who you are..." I speak the truth.

At one time, I heard a doorbell ringing loudly around my house, indicating someone was here. As I was about to reach the door, Selena grabbed my waist and tossed me on the couch. She tried to kiss me forcibly, and I did my best to dodge her but soon felt a strong PANG on my head, making me unconscious.

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