Chapter 19

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David's POV

I am glad that Lyra found her soulmate, and I am thankful to have such kind in-laws for making me feel loved in this world. I hope that I have the chance to attend my daughter's wedding before it's too late. About a month ago, I went to my annual medical checkup with my doctor and found out that I had stage 4 cancer, where I only had less than four months to live. I was depressed with my critical condition and asked for a favour from my old friend to find someone for my daughter. 

Thankfully, my friend also wanted to introduce his daughter to mine cause; apparently, his daughter is also into women. We discussed how we planned the arranged marriage for our daughter and emphasized hurrying the wedding event in less than four months. Freya's father curiously asked why I decided to speed up the occasion. So, I told him the truth about my cancer, and he felt sympathy for me. He agreed to convince his daughter to marry my daughter and get married instantly. 

Honestly, I don't know how to tell Lyra, especially when she's happy now, and I don't want to ruin her happiness, just like what happened during the passing of my wife. I still remember how Lyra reacted when her mom was gone from her life when she was 20. I vividly recall how she looked expressionless then, becoming aware that she had no reason to live anymore because the person she loved the most had left her alone in this cruel world. She feels depressed and does anything bad that affects her life to the point where she almost killed herself. She had it hard compared to me, and I feel apologetic to her for not being the best father. 

I don't know when's the right time to tell her about my condition cause I know she will isolate herself from everyone and return to her old self. That scares me so much for not being able to protect her anymore if I were gone. At the same time, I also want to tell the truth, so we can use the time we have left and create last-longing memories. Sooner or later, she will find out about me, but now that she had found someone she loved the most gave me hope that she was in the good hand of Freya. I trusted Freya to protect my daughter and love her endlessly. 

Besides, I don't want to ruin the mood now that they will be getting married soon. "Maybe I should tell the couple once they return from their honeymoon," I reassured myself. 


Lyra's POV

Freya has been busy managing her new company for the past few weeks while I tried my best to do my part and plan for our wedding ceremony. Every day, we went back to our temporary house in the UK feeling tired since we were occupied with our tasks. Plus, it's been a while since we last made love and connected, as we are always jaded with work. "I should plan a day off for Freya and me and have fun." I planned out. 

"Bunny, is it okay to have a day off for today? It's been a while since our last date, and I miss us," I convinced. 

"You're right, baby. I miss you the most, and I want to go to the cinema and watch movies together. Do you want to, baby?" She suggested.

"Sure! But can we ride the London eye after that? Pretty please...." I begged.

She agreed that we could ride the Ferris wheel next, and I could not be more excited. Now, I just have to prepare everything for the ride and officially propose to her since I didn't get the chance to do that. 

At the cinema

We watched Top Gun: Maverick, which was fun, but I couldn't help but feel jealous when Freya was fangirling over Miles Teller. I keep it cool cause I don't want her to see me being possessive. Then, at that moment, she closed the gap between us and got rid of the armrest that separated us two and cuddled me. I am amazed by the fact that she knew me every time I felt jealous, which shows how attentive she is toward me. 

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