Chapter 5

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Freya's POV

*Alarm ringing*

"Uggg, I need more sleep..." I shrugged. Then 5 minutes later, you realise that you have to pick up Lyra since she didn't bring her car. "I better be fast before she scolds me." I remind myself. Thirty minutes later, I finished dressing and eating my apples.

Soon I arrived at Lyra's house and rang her bell. Lyra immediately opened the door, but I was so mesmerised by her exposed long legs that I stared at it for too long as she was only wearing a bathrobe. "Do you like them?" she asked.

I was startled "pardon?"

"My legs, do you like them?" Lyra questioned.

I didn't want to sound pervert, so I told her what is she talking about.

She smirked and laughed it off, knowing I wouldn't admit to looking at her legs. After 10 minutes, she finished tidying herself without eating breakfast. So, I gave her my other uneaten apple for her. 

"You know it's not good to skip breakfast, right... maybe you should hire a chef to cook for you...." I claimed.

"No thanks, I don't want a stranger to enter my house and touch my things... " She fought back.

"If you say so..please cook for yourself then...." I replied.

"I will. It's just that I'm not a morning person." She admitted.

"We will work on that slowly, okay? With exercise, hopefully, you can change your sleeping pattern." I encouraged. 

Once we arrive, we separate our ways since I have to treat her as my boss and not my fiance- wait, what are we? I don't think we are friends either. Maybe acquaintance is a proper term. Selena greeted me right then and told me to hang out later during lunch cause she wanted to get to know me more. So I agree since I don't have any friends here. 

But then, I feel someone staring, and it's none other than Lyra. She scolded us for chatting without doing our work. I mean, it's not working hours just yet, and she keeps pampering us early in the morning. But then I remembered what Selena said about her attitude at work and just obeyed her words and started doing my job diligently without saying back to her.

I think I made her mad when I heard the door close loudly. I don't know why I have the sudden nerve to go against her. Like, what the hell am I thinking!

I go out with Selena when lunchtime is here and eat lunch with her. Even though I am here to get to know Selena, I couldn't help questioning Lyra and why she acted like that. So I asked Selena why Lyra behaved like that. Selena then shared rumours about her becoming like that because she's bipolar and depressed. 

"But she looked goofy to me. I shouldn't judge people like that. Maybe the boss needs someone to take care of her...." I suggested.

"Yeah, maybe that was one of the reasons cause I heard she never dated someone before..."

I was shocked knowing that she didn't have a dating history. Despite her constant flirting and ogling over my body, I feel like she's a dating expert to the point where I almost gave in to her. But then again, don't judge people recklessly. You must get to know them well before saying something, or you will hurt their emotions. I could only sigh.

After 5 pm, I worked late again, like 30 minutes more, because I love my job. Even though I wanted to stay longer, the security needed to lock the building, so I guessed it was my time to leave. 

When I left the building, I saw Lyra waiting in front of the building. Lyra looked at me with her tired eyes. "I thought you would never leave." She exclaimed.

"Sorry, Lyra, I didn't know you were waiting for me." I apologised.

"That's fine. We should eat like right now cause I skipped my lunch." She admitted.

"You skipped your lunch! That's unhealthy. We should go then. It's my treat, and I will drive cause you looked tired. Please don't fight me on this." I appalled. So she agreed on defeat. I bring her to an expensive restaurant that provides proper food.

(Fancy restaurant)

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(Fancy restaurant)

"Although I'm the boss here, I never eat in this restaurant cause of its price. You sure are rich, aren't you?" She questioned.

"No, I'm not rich. My parents are. We should order now before you become hungrier," I said with concern.

I just realised that this restaurant was a bit intimate for the two of us. But who cares? I want to treat Lyra to some real foods. She looks tired. 

"Wait. Why am I worried about Lyra? Maybe I sympathise with her? What is this sudden misery that I felt just now?" I questioned myself.

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