Chapter 15

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Lyra's POV

The next morning

I  woke up and remembered I had slept with my cupcakes again. I kissed my girlfriend's forehead and let her rest for a bit while I went downstairs to cook our breakfast. I need to treat my cupcakes like a princess. Once I finished cooking her breakfast, I brought the food to her and woke her up.

"Hey, cupcakes, have you had a good sleep? I asked her and cuddled her.

"I'm doing great, thanks to you. If you weren't here with me, it could be worst," Freya saddened but thankful. 

"Maybe firing you is not a bad idea now," I joked to ease her for what happened. I told her to rest more, so I gave her an off day and let her settle her thoughts on whether to quit her job and go to the UK or stay.

"What if I bring you to tag with me? In the meantime, we can go on dates in the UK. How's that sound?" She suggested. She knows that I like that idea, so I guess I have no choice but to go with her cause it's rare for me to go for a holiday.

"I know you are going to accept it. Trust me, it's going to be fun," Freya felt excited.

Next week, we will go to the UK to organise her independent pharmaceutical company. I want to make my relationship work with Lyra. That's why I agree to follow her in the UK and help her with her work. 

However, to do that, I have been busy making up my six months vacation with her by overworking myself or else the work will keep on piling up.

I think Freya noticed that lately, I always looked tired and felt guilty whenever I went to meet her. Later that day, she went to my office and met me in person.

"Hey babe, can I come in?" She asked.

"Sure, what brings you here? I responded.

"Uhm, can we talk about your trip to the UK?" She timidly opened up.

"Ohh, about that, I can't wait to spend my time with you and have an amazing sleepover with you every day," I smirked.

"Ohh, Uhm, are you sure you want to go, babe, cause I don't know.... you're like the boss here, and I'm afraid that because of your absence, the management will be disastrous as no one is in control." She worried.

"Hey, don't worry about that. My father will cover me up. Is that why you are here, to reconsider our trip?" I asked.

"Well yeah, cause I don't want to make a selfish act and-," She tried to justify.

"Okay, stop right there, cupcakes. You know I want to be with you more than I want to be here, period. My priority is you and only you. Don't doubt that. Are we clear here, cupcakes?" I defended.

She nodded with her red cheeks making me want to bite her. Ugh, why is she always acting so cute? I mean, she didn't act cute, but she is adorable. It's dangerous for my fragile heart. So I go for it and bite her cheeks.

"What was that for?" She laughed.

"You looked edible just now. That's why I bite you. But seriously, cupcakes, I'm glad we're on the same page. You should never feel like I'm doing this because I forced myself. I am doing this clearly because I wanted to, and I love you," I addressed.

"I love you more, baby," She replied.


D-day to the UK

The day before, we packed our clothes in advance, so we were not in a rush. She confessed to me that she felt like we were going on our honeymoon. "I mean, it better be like a honeymoon cause I will have every chance to devour your body and fuck you harder till I come harder, and then we go on for our second round and so on till we're tired and dehydrated," I uttered hungrily.

"You are so horny whenever I say something, Lyra. Stop talking about sex and start packing your clothes," She instructed.

Ahhh, I'm so excited about our first trip together. Oh, and for your information, we're flying using a private jet cause we want some privacy.

"Now that we have the plane to ourselves, do you want to go at the back of the plane and you know.... do this *scissors motion*" I winked at her.

"Lyra, stop with your unholy thoughts. I'm not going to have sex with you while we're typically in the air." She terrified.

"You sure about that, cupcakes?" I asked her again.

"Yes, I'm sure! Hahahaha." She teased.


Freya's POV

I'm pretty close to falling for her trap on having sex here cause I know that I also want to make love with her cause she's a goddess and perfectly sculpted for my body only. I still remember the first night we made love; our bodies felt right like a puzzle. Even though I rejected her offer right now, I don't think I can wait until we check in to the hotel. I need to distract myself.

"Umm, Lyra, can you kiss me?" I desperately wanted her lips.

"Ohh baby, gladly," She responded and kissed me like there's no tomorrow until there's an announcement that we're going to arrive in the UK soon.

I whispered to Lyra to let the driver settle our luggage and let us go to the hotel straight away cause I wanted to fuck her real bad right now. She was shocked at my revelation, and soon her mouth changed into a dirty smile *nasty thoughts AGAIN*. So now we ran to the taxi and went straight to the hotel.

After we checked in to the hotel, Lyra started to open the hotel door in a rush cause I knew she couldn't wait for this moment to happen. I followed her steps, and soon she pushed my back onto the door and then to the wall. She starts kissing me with passion and lust. Our lips were so wet with saliva and desire, and then soon moved my lips to her neck and sucked them harder. Right then, I started to moan cause she tasted so delicious. She's my delightful meal right now.

I couldn't wait to taste her juice. So I dragged her to the bed and lay on top of her. I continue kissing her lips, and my hands automatically touch her thighs.

"May I?" I asked for permission if can go there.

She nodded her head and smiled. My hands continued to reach her underwear, and I slipped my hands on her nerve endings. I rubbed her clit in circles and wetted them with my saliva. She tried to bite her lips to contain her moan but failed when her body started to shake. Before she reaches her orgasm, I take off her underwear completely and start grinding my clit onto hers. Her folds feel so sensitive right now cause she keeps begging me to go faster.

"Fuck baby! Faster! I am going to come," She whimpered.

Once we reached our climax, I sucked her clits, forced her cum to come out, and started inserting my fingers one by one. By now, she's almost hitting her 2nd climax, but then I wanted to make her beg for it cause I wanted to tease her.

"Why do you stop? Continue with what you are doing, baby." She begged.

"Oh well... you must beg for it if you want to be fucked bad. Say please, daddy," I ordered. 

"Baby, just fuck me like right now, please..." She caused a tantrum.

"Say please, daddy," I reminded.

"Fuck it! Please, daddy. fuck me till I can't walk anymore. Please...." She requested.

I was satisfied with her calling me daddy, so I inserted three fingers and then an additional finger. That left her speechless and breathing like a mess. "oh yes, baby, put it in deeper..fuck god, I'm going to come!" she groaned.

Then, I rested next to her after my fingers felt paralysed. "Ahh, I'm tired, babe. We should sleep. "I said.

"No, I'm not letting you sleep until I fuck you real hard!! I want to taste you. more, baby," She requested, and I just accepted cause I wanted her to pleasure me.

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