Chapter 22

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Freya's POV

Weeks have passed, and there is no sign of Lyra waking up. The doctor said it was weird that she hadn't woken up when the surgery was successful. 

What went wrong? Is she unstable to stay conscious, or does she not want to wake up? Does she not want to see me?

Lately, I haven't been myself and felt like a part of me had disappeared. A feeling of being loved that I longed for during these past few weeks made me want to lean on someone, and that's Lyra. Although she's here on my watch, I want to talk to her and love her as we used to. I miss her goofiness that never failed to put a smile on my face.

"I miss her so much, dad! I miss her! Why hasn't she woken up now?" I sobbed while leaning on my father's shoulder. 

"She's going to be okay, kiddo. Trust me. She's a fighter. Please keep on believing her." My father reassured me.

"You know what, maybe you should go home and have a rest. You have practically lived here since you took care of Lyra from the beginning in the hospital. You don't want Lyra to see you like this, don't you?" He added.

"But I don't want to leave her alone. Who knows, she might wake when I'm not around and makes her sad." I explained.

"Freya, have a rest. I promised to contact you right away when she woke up, okay?" He persuaded.

At this point, I can only agree with him cause honestly, I'm too tired even to fight. Following the day of the incident, I couldn't recall that I had a proper sleep. I either slept about two hours at maximum or non at all. Maybe that's why my face looked aged by ten years with extremely dark circles below my eyes. I lost weight cause I can't live thinking how Lyra is still unconscious, fighting for her life. 

On the way to my home, I reminisced the time when Lyra and I used to exercise near the road when I tried to make her fit, and I couldn't help but smile. Every part of her and my memories of her always makes me happy. As I drove by the road, I saw Lyra smiling at me and at that time, I thought I was starting to have hallucinations of her. I guess I'm going crazy, but at least I'm happy that I get to see her. All the world suddenly collapsed when I heard a huge BAAM, and I think I left my body at that point. The world turned upside down, causing me to have a weird imagination.

Then, all of my surroundings went silent, and in the blink of an eye, I could only hear the sound of squealing tyres with commotions from every direction and a white-looking bag bumping onto my head. 

Am I worn out, or does my head feels heavy and tired? Things started to get hazy, but all I could see was Lyra. 

Why is the world starting going in slow motion, and why is my car stopped? Why am I questioning many things that make my brain exhilarating so much pain? As I looked next to my seat, I saw her again, and this time she talked.

"Cupcakes! Wake up!" Lyra's illusion said.  

I may have had a mild shock as my vision became completely blurred. Am I in heaven? Why is Lyra with me?

"Why are you here, baby? Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?" I talked to the shadow that looks like Lyra.

"Indeed, I am still at the hospital." She spoke.

"Then, what are you doing here?" I puzzled.

"I am here to stay with you and save you. You need to get up, baby. If you're not awake, it is a matter of time before I'm not going to see you again. Please wake up, cupcakes!" She encouraged me.

"Can't I stay here and be with you? I miss talking to you. I am fine here." I explained myself.

"Baby, you still don't get it, do you? You're not supposed to be in here. The thing that you are experiencing right now is not real. You're dreaming, so you'll die if you don't wake up!" She said with her stern voice.

I replied that she was real to me, but she was upset when I didn't follow what she said. She sighed and begged me to do what she asked. Then, I started to think, where am I right now and obeyed Lyra. However, whenever I tried to leave, I returned to her.

What does it mean? Did my brain try to give me hints? What am I missing? 

After reasoning about what happened, I think I am supposed to bring Lyra together with me. I know she's still at the hospital, yet she's here talking to me. She's unconscious, but here she was, standing in front of me, feeling alive. I know it's too good to be true. Maybe I am also in the same situation as her as I tried to recall what she said if I stay here, I will die.

I am supposed to save her from death.


Narrator's POV

On the way to Freya's house, she daydreamed about Lyra, and since she was sleepy and stressed, she dozed off. As she was dispersed from her focus on the road, she ignored the red lights. Her action caused her car to crash into another vehicle from her right. However, she's still dazed and doesn't know what happened as her car suddenly rolls three times.

The accidents occurred in a flash without her realising and caused her to instantly passed out. Presently, all the drivers in their cars and the pedestrians surrounded the accident area. They were shocked to see what had happened. One of them immediately called the ambulance and tried to rescue both victims involved in the accidents.

Even so, only one of the victims was responsive and injured their hands. As for Freya, she's unresponsive as her head collided with the steering wheel, causing trauma in her head. She has lost a lot of blood, not only on her head but also on her left ribcage, since she didn't wear any safety belt.

She's in critical condition and instantly brought to the same hospital as Lyra. Considering that the accident and emergency area are along with the ICU room, the paramedics brought Freya passed the hallway. David and Nicholas were sitting in the hallway, unaware of what had happened to Freya.

Just when the bed carrying Freya passed through her father, Nicholas panicked and constantly asked the nurses what had happened.


Nicholas's POV

David and I were talking to buy time while Freya's not here and discussing our daughters' wedding event. I don't think the wedding will work out if Lyra hasn't woken up. David was also scared, as his life was ticking like a bomb. 

Out of the blue, there was a sudden uproar at the entrance, revealing someone in critical condition. So, David and I give way for them not to obstruct the hallway. But not until I saw who they were resting on the bed. Why is Freya on the bed? And why is she bleeding!?

"Oh, God! What happened to her, nurse?" I became terrified.

"We cannot tell you that, sir. It's confidential." The nurse responded.

"That's my daughter! Please tell me what happened to her?" I begged.

"Sorry, sir, I didn't know you were her father. I can only tell you that she was in a car accident and injured her head and upper body. We will talk to you again after we finish operating her. Please calm down, sir. We will try our best to save her." She finished her sentence. 

"Why do bad things always happen to us, David? This is my fault for letting her drive independently when she already hasn't had enough sleep." I blamed myself.

"Hey, Nic. Everything's going to be okay, and so is Lyra. They will make it. They have to." He tried to settle me down. 

7 hours later

The doctor in charge of Freya went out of the operation room and met us. The doctor told us about the details of Freya's surgery and the outcomes. Thankfully, the doctor said the surgery went well, but her recovery depends on her willingness to wake up. And even if she woke up, there might be a chance that she's losing her memory temporarily due to concussions since she struck her head on the steering wheel.

I fell off to the waiting chair, feeling devastated. I don't know what to think anymore and keep praying for Freya and Lyra to wake up. How much bad news do I have to hear every single day?

My dream fiance || Freenbecky || CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now