Chapter 11

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Freya's POV

"Baby, sorry, I don't think I can make it for lunch later cause I have to meet my father. But I still want to have lunch with you, so would you mind if we have lunch a bit later after I meet my father?" I suggested.

"That's fine, but kiss me before you go." She urged.

During lunchtime:

"Baby, time to go. Uhm, I want to ask if you mind if I bring you into meeting my father while we're at it?" I  implied.

"Sure, why not. I want to meet my father-in-law too." She joked.

"Too soon for that, Lyra." I humoured.

When we were about to meet my father, I could tell that Lyra was nervous. So, I held her hands and told her not to tense. At that moment, my father spotted me at the restaurant I picked on.

Freya's father (Nicholas): Hey, beautiful!

Freya🌙: Hey, dad! Why do you want to see me?

Nicholas: Can't you feel glad to see me?

Freya🌙: We see each other almost every day, dad. What's the rush?

Nicholas: Oh well, I want to talk to you about your engagement, but I see someone accompany you? Who is this beauty?

Freya🌙: My what!! Engagement with who?

Nicholas: With this lady, I forgot her name, but if I'm not mistaken, her name has Olivia in it.

Freya🌙: Wait with Olivia? Who is she?

At the same time, Lyra also heard and was too shocked to comprehend this information.

Nicholas: She's my friend's daughter. I think you have met her before since she works at your company.

Freya🌙: But father, I already have someone. *While looking at my Lyra*

Nicholas: Ohh, I didn't know you were in a relationship. May I know who the lucky girl is?

Freya🌙: Well, she's sitting right next to me. She's my girlfriend, although we haven't made it official yet.

Nicholas: God, talk about awkward. I'm sorry, Freya, and what's your name, lady?

Lyra⚡: My name is Lyra, sir. 

Lyra feels awkward, and I know she's uncomfortable right now. So I help reassure her by holding her hands under the table.

Freya's father: Nice to meet you, Lyra. I'm very sorry for dropping the bomb. I met with her dad and discussed that it is best for our businesses. Her daughter doesn't know the engagement news yet, but she's gay and pretty. So I thought you would like her.

Lyra then tried to excuse herself and leave the restaurant without looking back at my father and me. She's just upset with the situation. At the same time, I called her name endlessly.

I become angry at my father for his bluntness in pushing the engagement on me. At the same time, I cried because of how ridiculous the situation was. My father was shocked to see this helpless side of me and felt guilty for making me choose this decision.

"You love her so much, baby?" My father suddenly questioned in guilt. 

"Indeed, yes. I'm falling in love with her. Why can't you tell?" I angered.

"I'm sorry, Freya... and I'm sorry for Lyra too. It's just that my friend wants her daughter to get married instantly because--" He explained, but I immediately cut his word.

"You know what, I don't care about your excuses... I need to go, father. Goodbye." I dejected.

"Freya, wait!!" My dad called me.

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