Chapter 8

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Lyra's POV

The next day has arrived, and the alarm ringing is stating it's time for me to wake up. Today I started my day with a smile instead of frowning cause I know I will have a good day because of that one person, my baby girl. Ughhh, I can't get enough of her. She is divine, and I can't wait for her to be mine. Take my words on that.

At 7:30, someone knocking my door. I guess that's Freya picking me up, so I run towards the door and greet her with a kiss on the cheeks. She blushes again, but this time she replies to me with a kiss on my cheeks too. I'm soo full already with happiness. "Have you had your breakfast Lyra?" she asked.

"No, I haven't," I pouted.

"Well, I know you will say that, so I prepared us some breakfast to eat in the car if that's okay with you." She replied.

"That is more than okay for me. Thank you, baby." I thanked her.

On the way to the company, Freya and I ate tuna sandwiches in the car to kill time, which was so delicious. I didn't know she was a chef in the kitchen. I guess I'm lucky to have a well-rounded girlfriend—"oops, wait... She's still not yet my girl, but I will be soon," I told myself.

Soon we arrived at the company, and I bid farewell to Freya and went straight to the office. I was sad when she asked me to move out of the laboratory since she didn't want people to talk about us and keep spending time together. She said people would speak about it and be suspicious about our relationship. I don't mind if we reveal our relationship, but she wants us to keep it private for now. I guess I should wait when the time is right. 

When it is almost lunchtime, I start planning my lunch with my girl, but then I remember I still don't have her phone number.... "oh wait, I have her details in her cv, I can just take her number from there, genius me!" I exclaimed. So I texted her to have lunch with her later.

Lyra⚡: Hello, babe!😘

Freya🌙: Hello, who is this?

Lyra⚡: Your future wife😉

Freya🌙: Who?

Lyra⚡: Oh, you know that gorgeous boss of yours that you had nasty thoughts of 😈😂

Freya🌙: Lyra, what are you doing, and where did you get my numbers?😡

Lyra⚡: Oh, you did have wild thoughts about me, HAHAHA, and well, I get yours because I'm your boss, remember?😏

Freya🌙: Oh yeah, I forgot that you are my boss sometimes because of the way you act towards me

Lyra⚡: Hmm, you don't like how I act towards you?😕

Freya🌙: That's not what I mean😅. You are so sweet to me that I don't notice you are my boss sometimes, but why are you texting me? Do you need something?😇

Lyra⚡: Yes! I want you to have lunch with me.

Freya🌙: Oh no! I have made a plan with my colleagues already😞. I'm sorry, baby🙏🙏.

Lyra⚡: Well, I guess I'm just going to order a take-out later.

Freya🌙: I'm sorry again, baby😔😔😔 

After that, I did not reply to her cause I was upset. She keeps on prioritizing her colleagues over my attention. Although I'm not too upset cause she called me her baby twice, that's an improvement. At that time, someone knocked on my door and opened it to see Freya. I was surprised to see her here, so I asked what is she doing here. 

She then approached my table and asked if I was angry with her. I said no, although I was sad that I couldn't spend time with her. She then explained that she couldn't reject the lunch schedule with her colleagues. They wanted to celebrate her recruitment to the company. But I just nodded in understatement.

"Hey, are you still upset?" Freya feels guilty.

"It's okay, Freya. I can still take you for lunch on other days, so I'm fine...." I answered.

"That doesn't sound promising... hmm, how about this. I'll take you out for dinner, maybe at my place if you want?" She suggested.

"Ohhh, like a dinner date?" I anticipated.

"Maybe, if you want to interpret it that way." She responded.

"Well, okay then, I accept your invitation." I gladly agreed with her. Then I hug her tightly to show my excitement, and she reciprocates. She never disappoints me by making me happy.

After lunch hour, I was on my way to the toilet when I saw Selena and Freya laughing over something. Suddenly heat rose through my body, and I began breathing harshly. I'm not too fond of it when someone makes my girl happy and not me. What makes me angrier is that this 'Selena' has been touchy with my girl ever since Freya entered this company. Freya, the clueless girl, found this acceptable cause she's just a friend. I hate Selena, and I feel like she wants more from Freya, and I will not make that happen. So I went back to my office and did a background check around this Selena.

After 2 hours of researching her, I found nothing shady, and I'm helpless. I'm so insecure about my feelings cause I don't want to lose Freya. I like her, but she wants to take it slow, and I have to respect that. I guess I have to trust her and give her time. 

Right then, I heard notifications from Freya and smiled almost instantly.

Freya🌙: Lyraaa, so are we up for dinner later?😍

Lyra⚡: Yes!! Baby girl.

Freya🌙: Do you have any food allergies?

Lyra⚡: Nope, I can eat almost everything👌

Freya🌙: What do you want to eat? I can cook and prepare them in advance

Lyra⚡: Umm, I want to eat steak

Freya🌙: Okay, then see you later!💗💗💗

Lyra⚡: Alright, see you😻😻

That night, "oh my god! This steak is soo good. Can you be my chef? My only chef." I offered to Freya jokingly.

"Well, I'm flattered that you like my cooking, but I'm upset that you want me to be your chef...." She teased.

"Oh, I don't mean it like that. I just like your cooking—" I explained.

Then Freya shushes me with her fingers covering my mouth, telling me she's joking. So I pouted cause I just wanted to tease her more. 

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, babe. Is there any way to make you feel better?" She asked.

Right then, I thought about some nasty thoughts. But then, I was cut by Freya telling me not to do something bad. So I just asked her to kiss me on the lips. At first, she refused to kiss me but changed her mind and kissed my lips with her soft lips. Ohhh, her lips are delicious, and I sucked them hard cause I have been dreaming about kissing her in real life. She also passionately kissed me and used her tongue to exchange our saliva drink. I also heard her moan while I bit her lips. Then we stopped kissing cause we were running out of breath.

"That was the best kiss I've ever had in my life," I said to her while gasping for air.

She then shut me down with another kiss, but this time harder, passionate, with lust until we are gaping air. I think I just had the best dessert ever. 

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