Chapter 18

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Freya's POV

After knowing Lyra's past, I couldn't help but imagine how indestructible she is in challenging herself to be a better version of herself. I salute her for her braveness, making me want to shower her with all my love for her. I want to make her feel like no one loves her cause that's not true. I love her and swear to give my all to make her happy. She doesn't need to be perfect to have a joyful life. All she needed was to surround herself with people who care for her and love her for who she is.

"Baby, we should go back to the hotel and take a shower, okay?" I advised.

"Alright, cupcakes!" She is now back to herself.

After we returned to the hotel, she asked me if I wanted to join her shower, and I was ridiculed at her question. "Since when did you need my permission if you are going to barge into the bathroom anyway...hahaha," I teased.

"You're right! I don't have to ask since you're going to be my soon-to-be wife. Shall we?" She continued. 

She starts to push me against the wall and lick my face and neck. She asked if I was okay to proceed further now that I knew about her secret. So, I asked her if she was fine with this cause I didn't want to make the situation worse for her. She just smiled and said that she was in a better place now. We continued kissing with pure love, and this kiss specifically caused my brain to stir up a feeling of affection that only she could provide. This kiss is more than just lips sticking to one another. It is a way for us to express our love to one another. 

"How come you taste delicious..." She stated.

"Baby, don't turn me on," I begged.

"I haven't even started yet, baby girl," She scoffed while skillfully rubbing her two fingers on my clitoris and jerking in and out of my vagina. I am already wet, and it is her fault that I am wet, but I am not complaining. 

"Tell me what you want me to do, cupcakes." She instructed. 

"I just want to feel you inside me and stop talking, please," I annoyed.

"Oh, someone is grumpy." She joked. But soon enough, this makes her ego big and causes me to stop talking. During that time, she kissed every inch of my body and started devouring my body, making me feel like I was on cloud nine. 

Afterwards, she lets me rest cause my legs were shaking after 3 hours of boning. Then, we started to shower for real this time and felt sexually satisfied with our sessions. "Is it crazy to say I want us to do this daily?" I proposed.

She was surprised about my revelation but soon understood where I came from. "No worries, baby. I also feel the same way, although I am scared to have my legs paralyzed because of you. That said, I also want to sit by your side, hold your hands, cuddle you like a koala bear and kiss you every single time, just like a normal couple would do. Having you near me takes my breath away, but I hope my actions speak what my heart feels. And if you catch me with a silly grin on myself, that is because you are the reason for all my happiness." She speaks softly.

"I feel the same way, baby. I've noticed that whenever I am near you, I tend to smile more, anger less often, and make my entire day into a meaningful, sweeter one. We had the eternity to do this, and now that we bring it up about forever, should we plan where we held our wedding event?" I directed.

 She suggested we do the wedding event in Paris since she wanted to do it in a city representing love. She ought to capture our special day with a romantic and memorable ceremony. Subsequently, she asked where our honeymoon was going to be. "Honestly, I don't care much about the place to go for our honeymoon cause I know we're never going to leave the hotel for a week," I commented. 

"Why do you say like that?" She confused.

"Oh, I know we are going to stay in bed and make love to each other day and night," I smirked.  

"Damn, since when is your brain filled with sex only? Did I tame you too much, baby girl?" She chuckled.

"I am crazy over you, and don't say it like you don't feel the same way. Even though your beauty got my attention, your personality stole my heart first." I winked.

She showed her grin from ear to ear as Lyra expressed her radiance of happiness. Finally, we narrowed our honeymoon places between these two places; either Bali or Bora Bora. I chose the location because Lyra wants me to always wear a bikini for her view. These places might be ideal for us if she wants me to wear exposed clothes due to their tropical weather. All in all, we just want to relax near the island and maybe have fun activities to play that involve water. 

While discussing our honeymoon, we decided to update our fathers about the wedding plan and confirmed our wedding date. We agreed that we shouldn't postpone our wedding arrangement, and we will tie the knot in early August, which is two months from now.  

In the meantime, I invited Lyra to go on a date and catch up on the time we missed. I didn't want to have a simple date for her and planned for a grand gesture. That afternoon, I brought her on a helicopter tour to give her a once-in-a-lifetime view from above. Afterwards, we went to Aqua Shard Bar to have our lunch and had a toast of cocktails as we watched the sunset over the capital. 

(Afternoon date)

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(Afternoon date)

Next, we had our adventures at a lesbian bar and party all night. We kept drinking and dirty dancing while grinding to each other. The dances trigger one sexual appetite for someone, and I could tell Lyra wanted to do the business here. So, I signalled her to go to the back of the bar and do the deeds. Straight away, we sucked each other's mouths like there was no tomorrow. We fingered and humped each other until someone caught us in action. We ran from them as it made our body rushes with adrenaline, and we dared to do it again in public and settle to make out near someone's backyard. 

Luckily, we didn't get caught, and it's been a while since I had this much fun. And when we were together, only my baby could make me be myself. Later we went back to our hotel and slept straight away, probably because we were too drunk to awake at the time. Though I woke up completely around 2 am to adjust the blanket close to her body. I kept staring at her, stroking her gorgeous face and bringing her closer to my embrace. I wish she had fun today and realized she could be happy with me. 

I am contented with her and absolutely excited about where our future will lead us; I just couldn't bring myself to sleep. So I tried to write a love letter for my baby, mentioning all the good traits about Lyra and why I love her. I wrote for hours until I could hear Lyra groaning, cueing that she was about to wake up. Instantly, I concluded my love letter and gave her later. 

I went to bed, cupping her cheeks to kiss her lips, and she smiled greatly. "You woke up early, baby." She uttered with her baby voice. 

At that moment, I surprised her with the handwritten letter and told her to read it in her own time. I told her to read the letter to enlighten her day whenever she felt down or was not being herself. 

"Aww, cupcakes, this is so sweet. Thank you for making me the happiest girl on this entire planet. If it weren't for you, I would never be who I am today, and I am grateful to you for making an effort to make me happy. You will be my best wife, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I can assure you that!" She claimed and cuddled me. 

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