Chapter 12

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Freya's POV

Next morning

I woke up to see the sun shining brightly, and soon I remembered what I did yesterday. Then, I realized Lyra was still sleeping soundly next to me. She looks alluring, and I grin from ear to ear when I see her exposed naked body. "She's so damn tasty. I wish I could eat her now..." I shrieked.

So, I embraced her closer to her body, making our boobs collide with one another. I missed her attention, and thus, I intentionally kept moving my body to wake her up. Right then, she yawned and stretched both of her hands.

"Ahh, good morning, my princess!" She brightly greets me and kisses my cheeks.

"Good morning, baby," I replied. That morning, we had a good day since we talked about yesterday and how our relationship had developed even more. We kept talking and getting to know each other until Lyra's stomach made a growling sound, signalling that she was hungry.

"Oh no, someone's hungry. What do you want to eat, baby?" I asked her.

"Hmm, can it be something that you produced?" She smirked.

"Wait, what?" I confused.

"Oh, you know, this one... " She said while her hand reached for my front.

"God, Lyra, stop it. You need to eat real food, not me. That's unhealthy. You will feel sluggish for having no energy if we keep doing this. So if you want us to keep doing this, you should eat. Okay?" I worried.

"Alright, I will eat, but I don't want to exercise that often. While we're on the subject, maybe we can replace the exercise with something that we both crave more." She smiled smugly.

"What is it?" I rejoined.

"Make love to me every night. I am not requesting." She voiced out.

I was shocked when she confessed how she wanted us to make love daily. But at the same time, I am glad she was transparent about her wants and needs. So I responded positively and asked her always to eat three meals daily. We compromised, and afterwards, we showered together without doing nasty stuff cause we were already late for breakfast since it was almost lunchtime.

She let me wear her shirts and jeans. She told me I looked good wearing her clothes. We were planning on eating our brunch at my favourite restaurant. However, I had something important planned out for Lyra, so I excused myself from her.

"Can I go to the toilet real quick, babe? Wait in the car, yeah," I emphasized.

Lyra calmly sat in the car and said to make it quick cause she was hungry while making her renowned smirk. She's so cute, but I need to ask her to be my girlfriend instantly cause I want to make it official between us. Therefore, I decided to call my security from the toilet at my home to buy things for me cause I wanted to make this day special.

Security: Hello, ma'am

Freya🌙: Hye Draco? Can you help me set up some things at home? But first, I want you to buy stuff for me? And please do it before dinner. Got it?

Security: Okay, what's the occasion, ma'am?

Freya🌙: Um, any will do but make the setting a little romantic, and don't forget to use scented candles and buy roses for me too.

Security: Alright, ma'am. I will ask the others to help me set the place right away.

Freya🌙: Okay, thanks, Draco.

Security: No worries ma'am

"Welp, that was long? Did your stomach hurt?" She asked with her worried face.

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