Chapter 30

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Freya's POV

As soon as I heard the news from my father, I ran after my wife to console her. But to no dismay, she does not react to any words I say to her. I could feel my heart start to shatter into pieces when I saw this gloomy and isolated herself from everyone. I know that at this time, she had a hard time digesting the news and what I could offer her was only my service to take care of her and nurture her. 

Lyra has gone through a lot lately, and in addition to her father's illness, I hope she doesn't shut down herself to me and let me cheer her up. At that moment, I kept hugging her to release her tension, and she was now crying silently. I let her cry while waiting patiently for her until she was ready to talk about it.

"Baby, it's okay to cry sometimes. Just because I cannot heal your heart on the spot doesn't mean you should keep the pain alone. Allow me to accept your pain. We promise that, didn't we?" I recalled to her about our promises.

She still hugged me quietly but tighter than before. Honestly, I don't know how to comfort someone as I always let the problems go naturally. But I know I can give her a warm hug and an ear to listen to all distress she wants to talk about or anything she wants. It takes time to heal especially when time is ticking, and all we can do is spend the time we have left with our loved ones. That's why I called my father to arrange the earliest flight for us to go back to Lyra's father and be there with him until his last breath. 

As much as we didn't want to watch her father die, I don't wish Lyra to feel regret about not spending her time with her father later on. So I decided to bring her to the hospital while accompanying her through the journey. This time, I will let Lyra be with her dad 24/7 and give her time with him all she wants. I would be there whenever she needed me to. 


After we arrived at the hospital, Lyra's body automatically found itself in the direction of her father's room. As much as I want Lyra to open up and be clear about her feelings to her dad, I want her to be strong for herself first. So, I constantly reassured her that she's got this, and I was here for her whenever she needed someone to lean on. 

I know her father's life may end sooner than expected when her family and her dad's close friends gathered at the hospital to see him for the last time. Everyone's face looked sorrowful, and some of them did cry, but her daughter still had a blank feature.

When her father woke up from sleep, he requested everyone to go out except for Lyra. All of us accepted his request and went out of his room. We don't want to object to him, especially when he already looked paler and fragile. 


Lyra's POV

I heard everyone surrounding me, including Freya, start to walk away from my dad and me. Not until I realized he tried to talk with me.

"Ly, I am glad you're here. Lately, I've been feeling sorry for not making an effort to spend more time with you. Also, I am sorry for not sharing my illness personally with you. And I know that it's all my fault, and for that, I'd like to apologize." My father apologized and held my hands.

Frankly, I didn't know what to say to him when he asked for my forgiveness. I am not ready to acknowledge the deep hurt that I am currently feeling right now. I don't know if I should pity him or be angry. Since I was not responding to his apology, he stepped in again with another talk.

"It's okay if you don't forgive me. I can accept that cause I deserved it. I am not a good dad to you, and I know it's too late for me to change, but all I wanted to say was you're not alone anymore. You have someone that protects, respect, and look after you. But most importantly, you have someone who loves you dearly until the end with no regret. Don't forget that! You may lose me, but you have Freya for a lifetime to make up all the things I didn't do to you to make you feel loved. I promise to protect you from the above when I am gone and pray for your happiness with her. I know it might be cringe for you to hear me say it, and I might've not declared it to you before, but I love you, kiddo. I always do, even though I didn't express it enough." He continued with courage.

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