Chapter 7

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Lyra's POV

"Why is she shouting? Doesn't she like being in a relationship with me?" I asked myself and pouted.

Immediately, she held my hands and whispered," I would love to be your girlfriend." I can feel my heart become full of itchiness due to excitement. I even kissed her cheeks because I liked doing so. She was taken aback by my action but soon smiled at me. "But, on one condition, kiss me on the lips," Freya ordered.

"Gladly," I said.

When our lips touched, my brain erupted with fireworks and Freya's wet, soft lips made me horny while reminiscing our sex in my dream. I better separate myself between the real world and my imagination, or I would take her under me and make love with her on the spot. So I stopped kissing her.

"Hey, what's wrong? Is my kiss bad?.." Freya embarrassed.

"No, no, no, it's not you that is wrong. I am the problem here. Your kiss is the best, but I can't help thinking about the dream where we--I paused. You know, where we were making love. I couldn't differentiate between reality and dream." I revealed.

Then, her face flushed red, and she continued to kiss me harder. But this time, she kissed me, full of lust and needs. It made me hornier, so I told her to stop, but she said to continue to whatever it led us to, so I started kissing and sucking her neck and then her collarbone. I left an evident red hickey on her neck cause, god! she tasted so good! She also started to moan and call my name breathlessly and seductively to the point where I wanted to fuck her, right here, but I didn't want to make it obvious.

At that moment, we heard a bell ringing from the door. So we stopped what we were doing and felt annoyed at the person who just disturbed our moments. Freya walked towards the door and opened it, revealing Selena. At first, I didn't know who was at the door, but then Freya tried to cover the person so I couldn't see her. Then, they talked for hours until I heard Freya say something that made the person go away. "Who is that just now?" I asked.

Freya's mood changes, and she confesses that it's Selena. I sulk at how close they were when she already knew Freya's address. Later, Freya convinced me that they were nothing. So I believed her and asked if we could move to her bedroom.

She nodded and kissed my lips passionately while her legs wrapped around my body. I carried her to her bed and started undressing until the only left was my underwear. Then, I helped undress her blouses while kissing her collarbone, under her bra, and then her belly buttons. I left her lower parts cause I wanted to save the best for the last, even though every part of her body is perfect.

Every time I kissed her, she felt breathless, like there was no oxygen. I could not wait to taste her, so I kissed her hips and inner thighs. When I saw her panty, I went back up to her face and asked for permission if she wanted to continue or not. She was shushing me and pushing my head towards her centre to continue to carry out what I was about to do. I guessed she didn't want to slow it down.

"Your word is my command," I said seductively to Freya. Then straight to my target at the centre, I started undressing her panty and saw the full view of her vagina.

"Woah, she's already wet... now it makes me want to make her cum for more. I started wetting her vagina with my wet tongue and sucked her drinks down there. Only god knows how it tastes heavenly and sweet.

"Oh my god! cupcakes, you taste so good...." I complimented. Freya moaned even harder when I started playing with her clit using my tongue while fingering her. I want to make her come faster, so I put an additional finger going in and out, focusing on finding her G-spot. Arghh, the fact that I moaned with her helped fasten the process of her coming and having an orgasm in a split second. I taste her sweet, white product and share it with her by kissing her lips. But this time, we both used our tongues.

"Fuck!! It tastes soo good. I didn't want this to end.." I exclaimed, but she flipped us over, putting her on top of me.

"It's time for me to taste your heavenly," Freya said in her raspy voice.

"Lyra!!!Lyra!! Are you okay?" Freya worried. I soon get distracted from my imagination and see hysterical Freya waking me up from the couch and asking if I'm okay.

"Wait a minute, did I imagine having sex with her again?? Can't I control my thirst for her for a minute? This dream is becoming too real and more painful to endure." I blamed myself silently.

"I'm okay. I'm just thinking about something. Uhm, but did I say something just now? What happened?" I asked.

"Yeah, you dozed off when I talked to someone in front of the door. Also, you tell me to be your girlfriend, remember?" Freya asked. 

"Ah, so what's your answer? I replied.

"I am not sure, Lyra. You are my boss, and I'm unsure if it's appropriate, especially when we work in the same environment." She insinuated.

"Oh, okay." I pouted. Right then, Freya holds my hands and reassures me that we should take it slow since we have feelings for each other. I then smile at her actions and agree with her decision.

That night, we just talked and laughed without any skinship. I think I am fine with that. I still have so much fun spending with her. Despite being shy around me, she's cute because I always flirted with her.

"Please stop with your flirting, Lyra! I can't handle your swiftness. It's too much...." Freya frustrated.

"But I like you and just want to shower my love for you...." I scowled.

"Ugghh, you are so cute," said Freya while pinching my cheeks. "I had so much fun today Lyra....oh wait, it's late already. I should take you home." She urged.

"Baby, I want to stay..." I despaired.

"No, you can't! You will only be going to distract me into doing something—" She responded.

"Doing what, Freya?" I questioned with my smirking face.

She slapped my arm and said nothing. "Let me just bring you home, and tomorrow we can carpool to the company." She retaliated.

Hahaha, I just liked teasing her when she was in this state, so she gave me a ride and sent me home. Before I got inside my house, she called my name and kissed me quickly. I was startled, and my cheeks blushed by her sudden action and soon smiled at her.

"Thanks for today Freya," I said with sincerity.

"See you tomorrow, Lyra! Good night and have a good dream."

"I will, and you too."

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