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The bell rung announcing the start of the period. As always I was one of the first few people to enter the Chemistry class.

I took the same seat I'd sat in that entire year. In a few months, I would be done with high school and start my new life of freedom in college.

I was still uncertain of what I would major in. I had applied to the school of accounting and the school of law. Letters or numbers? Figures or words?

I don't get to make a decision as my eyes land on Brice and my mind freezes mid-thought. He's cut and tall and a total distraction.

I can't help myself.

I stare.

He's dressed down in jeans, a henley shirt, and a baseball cap snapped back. It's casual day instead of us wearing the standard uniform. As casual as its meant to be, he stands out with his physique. A physique that has been cut in the gym and honed in the water.

He's a great swimmer. The best. He's the captain. There are talks about Olympic trials.

The grey of his shirt catches the grey of his eyes which accidently catch mine.

Shit. I look away in embarrassment and open my text book to mask my adoration. Shit! Maybe I should have smiled.

"Sup Soleil" Chalondra says casually, making a beeline towards me. She takes the seat in front of mine.

Damnit, I should have said 'Hi' or waved or something. Anything other than acting like a simpering creep.

"Are you okay?" Chalondra asks me.

"Yeah, Char. Why?" I respond a little flustered but not from her. It's him. He does this to me while I do nothing at all.

"You're textbook is upside down... Is this some new study method or what because you were looking at it pretty intently as I was walking over here."

I groan and bang my forehead on the open, upside-down book. I'm mortified at the level of idiocy I slip into because of him.

This is embarrassing.

I need to get a grip.

I need to put on my big girl panties.

I need to graduate and leave.

The sooner I can close this high school chapter on Brice Le Roux, the faster I can step into my new college chapter distraction free.

"That doesn't sound okay. Whats up? Mrs Trutter holding back on her A's this close to the finish line?" Char taunts.

She's my best friend and we compete to bring out the best in each other, not in terms of looks but rather academically. Our families believe in education and we believe in the power of knowledge.

We are acing the final year of high school with flying colors. No excuses. Not even Mrs Trutter who seriously has something against me will stand in the way of a full house.

"No its me. I'm the problem that comes with a large dose of raging hormones," I confess

"Please. Char holds up her hand. Spare me the details. He's not that hot. It's the over-exposure fallacy at play. He's everywhere the powers that be can cram him into this fine institution. You're just used to seeing his face complemented by his athletic capabilities. Those two factors alone are the hallmarks of hollywood's quintessential hero. I don't understand why you cant just walk up to him and I don't know... ask him out?" she prattles on matter-of-factly.

Was this girl serious?

"It's not like he's a god of Khal-El proportions," she adds referencing the only man she deigns worthy of her time apart from educational books.

He kinda is the Superman of Milton High though... I want to retort but I don't.

I wouldn't get far with Chalondra. She's highly pragmatic. If it wasn't for her references of Clark Kent, I would think she lacks any kind of attraction to men.

Actually, the jury is still out on that.

She hasn't mentioned one living, breathing male that has caught her attention or dare I say made her heart skip a beat.

"You know I cant do that. Few people have the balls to do that let alone women, especially this one!" I hiss under my breath pointing to myself feeling frustrated and a little annoyed.

"Well you're hot!" she states, again matter of factly.

I wish!

I sigh and simmer down the rising attitude. I love my bestie. She really thinks I'm all that. I think she's pretty amazing too.

"You gotta believe in yourself before anyone else does," we say in unison before laughing at the synchronization.

It's been our mantra of affirmation in this academic struggle.

I loved Chalondra. She was highly analytical and a math whizz who could do trig in her sleep. But if you asked her about the social dictates of the school pecking order she was retarded. The status quo that pervaded us was completely lost on her.

I believe the term that our career guidance counselor used was "socially deaf".

That she was. She was indeed. She couldn't be bothered to fit in and I envied her that.

"Look. I think I'm hornmonal and feeling extra sentimental?" I attempted to redirect. I didn't want to get into my very irrational feelings with my very rational friend.

I wish I could be the hot, confident woman that is Samntha Jones from Sex and the City. She would be able to just walk up to Brice and chat him up.

Unfortunately, I'm not.

My confidence comes from learning and observing. A conviction in things that are proven to hold true no matter how many times you try them like chemistry. When you combine one particle of hydrogen and two particles of oxygen you formulate water without fail.

Im also convicted in my faith. I believe that Jesus died and rose again. I mean he is God afterall. It's not outside the realms of possibility.

But I'm not convinced that Brice wouldn't laugh me off and tell his friends about the nerdy girl he rejected to my absolute humiliation.

Oh hell noooo!

I was just gonna have to keep this crush under much tighter wraps.

Heya! 👋🏾

This is a story I've had in mind for a couple years now and my first one here.

Tell me what you think 😬

Have you ever had a crush on someone? Did you ever pursue it or did your feelings faded?

Please vote and comment 👇🏾

See you soon with an update! 🤎

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