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I watch my girl walk out the door hand in hand with the other guy. I would object but Hailey stands between me and what I want both literally and metaphorically.

"What did I do? Why don't you want me anymore? What does she have that I don't?"

I close my eyes because I can't give her the explanation she wants. How does one define attraction? I'm attracted to Soleil. She compels me. I'm drawn to her.

"It's not you. its me," I say instead.

I head for the closet because I need to get dressed. Clearly whatever moment I had with Soleil is gone and I'm done with this party. I was done before it even began.

I strip out of my wet trunks and pull on fresh boxers and a pair of black jeans. Hailey comes in and her gaze runs down my body. I slide a black t-shirt on because I don't want to give her any ideas. The only woman I want is outside with another guy because I'm in here with another girl. No wonder she doesn't trust me.

"What's going on with you? You weren't into her a few months ago."

I level Hailey with a look.

"Don't disrespect her in front of me and think you'll get away with it. You of all people should know how I am when it comes to those I care about."

I'm by no means a hero or one to fight for the underdog but if someone I care for needs me, I step up to the plate. I did it for Hailey and it would be no different with Soleil even though this time my feelings are more intense.

"Things change. People change." I walk out the closet and grab my keys and phone. Damnit! I may be parked in. I shoot Tsepho a quick text to meet me out front.

"I wont change. I'll never change how I feel about you."

Her voice is so small my gut twists. I love Hailey but not the way she wants me to. We started hooking up when we were 15. I didn't know what I was doing, what I was getting myself into. That part of my life feels like a distant memory now and I don't want to turn back.

"I know," she's told me this before. She needs a new therapist or rather a new form of therapy because this isn't getting any better. "But it's not healthy to invest so much of yourself for so little in return." The vibration of a text draws my attention away from the conversation we've been having for over a year now. "It's Tshepo. I gotta go. I want the house cleared out by 1 AM."

I leave her in my room with a suspicious sheen of tears in her eyes. It used to get to me when Hailey cried until she noticed and I caught on to her tactics.

I enter the hallway and meet Soleil's brown gaze. All is forgotten. What can I say, this girl has a hold on me that I can't explain. I reach for her hand because I want to be near her and she brings out a possessive side of me.

"We're done here. Common." I just want to get away from everyone and be alone with her.

When she turns around with a few last words to Mark my grip tightens. I'm starting to hate this guy. She squeezes me back reassuringly. I relax when she falls in step beside me and we head outside hand in hand. She's mine. If Mark wants her, he's going to have to pry her away from my cold, dead hands.

We make our way out in silence and garner a few looks. I don't give a damn. I'm tired of hiding my feelings for her. No one says a word because they're cowards who can do nothing more than look and whisper.

We make our way through the noise and throng of the crowd until we're outside the property. I spot Tshepo up ahead.

"Hey man, mind if I borrow your car?"

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